Month: June 2012

Lunch Time Alert

Here's a fun prompt function that turns your input prompt into a short prompt and displays the current path in your PowerShell window title bar....

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Am I Privileged?

There are numerous ways to find out if a script runs elevated. Here's a pretty simple approach: PS> (whoami /all | Select-String...

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Resolving Paths

Paths can be relative, such as ". \file.txt". To resolve such a path and display its full path, you could use Resolve-Path: PS>...

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Check PowerShell Speed

To find out how much time a particular cmdlet or command takes, here's a handy little stopwatch that you can use: function Test { $codetext =...

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Pinning PowerShell ISE

The integrated PowerShell ISE editor has its own icon and can be pinned to the Windows 7 taskbar, just like PowerShell. Try this: Open PowerShell,...

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No Reboots After Updates

If you have set Windows Update to automatic mode, it takes care of detecting, downloading, and installing all necessary updates - fine. However, it...

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Locking Drive Content

In a previous tip we showed how you can hide drive letters in Windows Explorer. You may have discovered, though, that a user can still open files...

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Hiding Drive Letters

Sometimes you may want to hide drive letters in Windows Explorer from users. There's a Registry key that can do this for you. It takes a bit...

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