この記事は、MARCO CANTUによるRecap of RAD Studio 10.2.3 Patches and Informationの抄訳です。 4月初旬にPMチームによって行われたウェビナーはYouTubeで公開しておりますので下記のリンク先でご視聴頂けます。...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Reported the 35th Developer Camp in Japan.
The 35th Developer Camp was held in Japan on 15th March. The venue was Tokyo Akihabara UDX. In the morning, it was a general session.VP...
On iPhone X(iOS11.2), use Regular Expressions library.
The 35th Developer camp will be held in Japan on March 15, 2018.The venue is Tokyo Akihabara UDX GALLERY NEXT. ...
It is a new function of 10.2.2, and it can be outputted by Ext JS store definition.
New in 10.2.2 TFDBatchMoveJSONWriter was added. TFDBatchMoveJSONWriter is a Writer that combines with TFDBatchMove to out to a simple JSON. But, ...
Display JSON Base64 images created in C++Builder using Ext JS in browser
Output to JSON Base64 Image Data Reading Browser.I use Ext JS. And the JSON server is C++Builder bcc32. Create...
To get the NetworkInfo using the ConnectivityManager of Android
Using ConnectivityManager with C++Builder With C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo Android ConnectivityManager class is...
Wi-Fi management from applications using C++Builder
Using C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo, explain how to switch Wi-Fi on Android. Manage Wi-Fi switching using JWifiManager I...
How to enqueue TQueue from TTask with bcc32
When considering migration from old C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo bcc32 project.You can use functions such...
Implement CreateAnonymousThread with BCC32.
C++Builder 10.2 BCC32 can not write lambda. So write an implementation in Invoke() with TCppInterfacedObject<>. struct T_thread_proc...
How to control "the system audio volume" of iOS
Use C++Builder 10.2 to control audio volume of iOS.I used the MPVolumeView class...
Convert CSV file to TFDMemTable format JSON file.
Convert from CSV file to “JSON file” of “TFDMemTable format”. This program uses C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo Release 1. include #include...
Try condition_variable using C++Builder(C++11).
std::condition_variable is a class for waiting for thread execution until the condition is satisfied.Used in combination with std::mutex. I tried...