A Simple Way to Take Care of Your Database Developers

by Oct 29, 2019

The database development team is an important component of most organizations’ IT departments. They are responsible for creating databases and applications that make productive use of the available enterprise data resources. Without database developers, your company would be unable to maintain a viable eCommerce presence or use its data assets to provide analytics and compete with market rivals. The importance and volume of business data increases daily as does the importance of your database developers.

As an IT executive responsible for staffing your department, the last thing you want to do is lose talented database developers. When you have good people, retaining them should be a high priority. Hiring replacements involves training new people and patiently waiting for them to get up to speed with the intricacies of your business and the platforms you use. The new developer may never achieve the same level of expertise as their predecessor. Your best course of action is to make sure your developers are happy and have the necessary tools to perform their jobs efficiently and successfully.

The question for management is how to accomplish the goal of streamlining the work life of developers. Your employees certainly will appreciate efforts such as door-to-door car service to eliminate the downtime associated with a daily commute or catered lunches to enable productivity gains. Some organizations may not want to go to these lengths and are searching for a more mundane and economical way to help their development team handle the challenges of the multiple-platform world they need to navigate. Something like a really good software tool.

Aqua Data Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that will improve the day-to-day life of your database team in many ways. Let’s take a look at some of the specific features of the tool that will make your developers more productive and less stressed by their jobs.

How Aqua Data Studio Can Help Your Developers

One of the real drains on database developer productivity in a multi-platform environment is the need to constantly switch between different tools to interact with their systems. A typical DBA will support at least a few diverse types of databases and can spend a considerable part of their day firing up the applications they need to use to perform their jobs.

  • Aqua Data Studio offers database developers a versatile IDE that enables them to connect to all popular database platforms from Windows, Linux or macOS computers. Connecting through the IDE’s GUI saves time and the hassle of remembering the details required to access each system. Registration details can be saved for each server so the developer only needs to enter their password when connecting to a database.

  • Once the initial connection is established, Aqua Data Studio’s GUI provides a simple method of accessing database servers and files. Many tasks such as exploring tables and database objects can be done directly from the GUI’s context menus. Actions like creating, altering, and dropping tables, objects, and databases can also be done without schema scripts. This feature is another productivity booster that eliminates the confusion that may result from the differences in architecture and terminology adopted by competing database platforms.

  • Database developers spend a good deal of time writing SQL code and are again challenged by the subtle differences in syntax among the various dialects in use on their systems. Aqua Data Studio solves this problem with pop-up lists for autocompletion and the ability to edit SQL scripts in multiple databases simultaneously. Developers can take advantage of the automation of frequently used SQL statements and execute queries immediately with results returned in the same window.

  • Creating visualizations from the data contained in their systems is becoming more important as information resources become larger and more complex. Aqua Data Studio facilitates this process with graphical tools that allow data to be dragged and dropped to create graphs, dashboards, and visualizations. Having these capabilities built into the application removes the need for intermediate methods such as extracting data in spreadsheets. It’s another way that your database developers will save time and produce better results across all of their systems.

These are some of the most impactful ways that Aqua Data Studio will enhance productivity and improve the daily work life of your database developers. There is an IDERA whitepaper that delves deeper into some of the reasons you should consider making Aqua Data Studio part of your team’s software toolkit. It might not be as warmly welcomed as a ride home in a chauffeured Ferrari, but it will help your team get their work done on time and reduce their stress level. That’s a win-win for the business and your employees.