
Using Regions in ISE Editor

PowerShell 3.0 ISE editor creates collapsible regions automatically, so you can collapse a function body or an IF statement. In addition, you can...

Finding IP GeoLocation Data

In a previous tip we illustrated how you can use web services to retrieve information such as public holidays or the location of an IP address....

Finding Public IP Address

Whenever a machine is connected to the Internet, it gets a public IP address (typically assigned by the ISP), and this public IP address is not...

Creating a Drawing Panel

In PowerShell 3.0, WPF is a great (and easy) way of creating GUIs. If you have a touch-enabled machine, check out how easily you can open a drawing...

Getting Holiday Dates

Ed Wilson from the Scripting Guys demonstrated how PowerShell can use free web services to find out holidays. You do need direct (non-proxy)...

Renaming Script Variables

Often, when you start writing a PowerShell script, you use temporary (dirty) variable names that later you'd like to polish. Renaming script...

Using the ISE Debugger

ISE has a simple yet effective debugger built-in that you can use to step through your code. The debugger does require that you save your script...

Finding Matching Brackets

Sometimes, in larger PowerShell scripts it is hard to find the corresponding opening or closing bracket or brace. One thing you can do, of course,...

Finding Next Sunday

If you'd like to find out how long it is until next Sunday (or how many days have passed since last Sunday), simply use the property DayOfWeek. It...

Dumping Scheduled Tasks

There is an underestimated option to make schtasks.exe dump scheduled tasks as CSV data. PowerShell can grab the CSV data and turn it into objects,...