IDERA Helps You Face the Challenges of Implementing GDPR

by Jan 17, 2018

As many companies are coming to realize, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) issued by the EU, which takes effect in May 2018, has a lot of stipulations and guidelines. It is definitely a team effort to follow all the rules and ensure compliance to the plethora of requirements. Many of these directives align with other regulations such as HIPAA and Basel, with regards to knowing what data you have, which data is sensitive, and who is accessing it. GDPR takes it a step further with additional personal protections and significant penalties for non-compliance.

IDERA recognizes that companies need help managing the many moving pieces of this puzzle, and offers solutions that help to address these issues. In the new whitepaper, How IDERA Products Can Help You Comply with GDPR, the GDPR articles are listed by topic and include a list of relevant IDERA products.

For example, the ER/Studio family provides capabilities for creating business processes, defining security classifications for data objects, and documenting metadata related to GDPR requirements. And SQL Compliance Manager can monitor and audit SQL Server databases, alert on user activity related to sensitive data, and generate reports for auditors. With the right combination of tools, you can work toward meeting the GDPR requirements and demonstrate your compliance to this mandate as well as other industry and government regulations.