IDERA Team Server Repository Databases – Microsoft Azure SQLDB Server Edition

by Apr 6, 2022


In this final installment of setting up a Repository for the TeamServer application, we will be exploring using Microsoft's AzureSQL DB in the AzureCloud.

To create a AzureSQL DB follow this video.

Make sure you choose the SingleDB Option

Once the AzureSQLDB is created, choose –> Under Overview –> Set Firewall Rules –> Add your Public IP to be accessible to it or your private one depending on your 

Azure Config.

Now that is configured, you can configure the TeamServer Database Credentials by Choosing AzureSQL DB as the Database of Choice in the configurator and install TeamServer ETE / Pro Editions.

Congratulations! you have now completed all three sections on how to setup our IDERA ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition / Professional Edition Repository.