MONyog MySQL Monitor 4.0 beta 1 Has Been Released

by May 21, 2010

Changes (as compared to 3.76) include:

* Added a new interface for customizing counters/advisors requiring less knowledge of javascript than what was the case before.
* When upgrading an installation with customized counters a 'conflict resolver' will now guide user to either migrate his old changes to the updated version or discard them.
* All cache hit rate related monitors/advisors have been changed to display cache miss rate information as it is more relevant when tuning databases. Also the advisor text for these monitors/advisors has been improved.

Miscellaneous :
* With the above changes parts of the MONyog database has been reorganized, what also means that the Monitors/Advisors and Dashboard pages will load much faster. Note however that with this beta the documentation on the 'MONyog database schema' is not fully updated.
* The SQLite library within MONyog has been upgraded to the latest version. The new version of SQLite improves stability as compared to the previous version where a possible journal file corruption was not handled.
