Monyog MySQL Monitor 6.0 Has Been Released

by Jun 3, 2014

Changes (as compared Monyog MySQL Monitor to 5.72) include:

* The Monyog API is enhanced with more options to manage servers registered in Monyog. Options now include calls to add/edit/remove servers. Refer documentation for full details.
* Monyog now supports Query analysis using Performance Schema tables (events_statements_summary_by_digest and events_statements_history_long tables). This feature is supported only for MySQL 5.6.14 and MariaDB 10.0 and above.
* Explain plan is available in Query analyzer for Slow_log table based logging and Processlist sniffer.
* An example query is now shown in detailed query view in Query analyzer if queries replaced with literals is selected.
* Monyog now has a configurable option to define the max. query length displayed.  Beyond this Monyog will truncate the query. The setting has effect for Query Analyzer, Real-time and Way Back Machine interfaces. Default is now 10000 characters and maximum setting is 64000 characters. However please note that this does not apply when Performance_Schema is used with the Query Analyzer as P_S itself truncates.  For details please see the note at the bottom.

Bug Fixes:
* Explain option was not available in locked and locking queries for Real-Time sessions.
* In some rare case Monyog logged SQLite errors while running Real-Time sessions.
* Monyog could crash when connecting using a ‘Named Pipe’ on Windows. Actually we never promised support for Named Pipes.  But we should not crash, of course, and it works with Named Pipes now.
* When monitoring MySQL v5.6 with replication using GTIDs (global transaction IDs), Monyog reported false notification alert for the ‘gtid_purged’ variable, when notifications for change in server configuration was enabled. This particular variable  was overlooked in 5.72 where there was a similar fix.
* Yet another fix for a LDAP group authentication issue.
* Query literals with hex values were not replaced with '?' in Query analyzer.
* When using SSH-tunnel, connections created by the CSO (Custom SQL Object) feature were not always closed properly, and the MySQL error log as well as 'aborted_clients' status variable would record aborted connectons.

* When GTID's (Global Transaction ID's) were used with replication, Monyog's replication page would display a lot of information about changing GTIDs.  This is now hidden in the primary interface, but can still be displayed in detailed view.
* Monyog now displays the binary version on commandline when the command switch –version (or -v) is used.

An additional comment on using the Query Analyzer with P_S:
* Note that Performance_Schema truncates queries after 1024 characters and always replaces literals with a wildcard (in other words: P_S contains a summary/an aggregation only). So query listing not replacing literals is not possible with this option. And finally also observe that no other tool (or user) should be writing (including deleting or truncating) to events_statements_summary_by_digest and events_statements_history_long tables if this option is used as there is only one of each table for all users (it is not a temporary table or a materialized view or similar private for the user). This is a design limitation with the tables in P_S as such and not a Monyog issue. Monyog itself may (optionally) truncate the P_S tables when they reach 80% of their capacity (and thus Monyog could have impact on other tools or users using the same tables). This truncation is disabled as default, but you may need to enable it if the capacity of the tables is set too low to record all queries occuring.
