Monyog MySQL Monitor 6.32 Has Been Released

by Jul 16, 2015

Important notice: With this release we have changed registration keys. Please have your  new key available when upgrading. As always you will get it from our Customer Portal.

Changes (as compared to 6.31) include:


* Added a "Free Disk Space" Monitor for Linux. This new feature will collect information directly from the file system (unlike the existing 'Disk Info' that uses MySQL "SHOW TABLE STATUS"). Information is collected from volumes storing both MySQL data directory and InnoDB data directory (if different), and user will be alerted if either crosses a specified threshold.
* In Charts page added an option to select a time interval for display by zooming a chart using mouse and similar input devices (touchpad etc.). Note that zooming one chart will change the timeframe of all the charts displayed.
* Added an option to view queries for a selected time range in time range based charts in Charts page.

Bug Fixes:

* In rare cases, Monitors page could show wrong data for Linux counters if the HISTORY timeframe was selected for the page.  Other available timeframes were not affected.
* When monitoring a MariaDB server using a galera-based replication setup we will now execute SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS rather than just SHOW SLAVE STATUS. Before this Monyog replication page showed an empty result and alerts were not sent. However due to limitations with current Monyog architecture we are only able to handle the first row of SHOW ALL SLAVES STATUS with this release, if more are returned, and only information from one slave node will be available.
