
Normalization Heuristics

Heuristics and normalization are the goals of all databases. Heuristics refers to a trial-and-error method of problem-solving used when an...

Checking Profile Scripts (Part 1)

PowerShell uses up to four profile scripts. When they exist, PowerShell silently executes any content when it launches. It’s important to know...

Using Profile Scripts

Profile scripts work like autostart scripts in PowerShell. They do not need to exist, but if they do, PowerShell executes its content silently...

Identifying User Profile

Be careful when using $env:userprofile or $home to create paths to user files. When a Windows box is set up for OneDrive, the documents folder may...

Get Rid of Get-EventLog

The Get-EventLog cmdlet provides easy access to event log entries in the primary Windows event logs, however it neither can access the many...

Setting and Clearing Trusted Hosts

PowerShell remoting maintains a list of trusted IP addresses and/or machine names on the client side (the machine that issues the command and...

All Skewed Up

Data can be skewed by its nature. How can you tell if you have skewed data in your database? And if you do, how do you handle it when writing...

Using $Is* Variables

In PowerShell 7, there is a new set of variables all starting with “Is”. They help you understand the environment in which your script...

Relational Division

Dr. Codd’s original relational algebra had eight basic operations. Since relational database management systems are based on set theory, the...

Identifying Antivirus Engine State

In the previous tip you learned how you can query WMI to find out the antivirus product present on your Windows machine: $info = Get-CimInstance...

Deleting Microsoft Teams Cache Data

If you use Microsoft Teams for video conferencing, you may occasionally want to clean cache files and remove traces which reside in a number of...

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