
Sophisticated Battery Report

If your laptop battery is going low too soon, or you’d like to investigate related issues, there is a simple way to generate an extensive...

Adding PowerShell commands for Azure

To manage and automate your assets in the Azure cloud, you can easily install a free PowerShell module which comes with a wealth of new PowerShell...

Showing Wi-Fi SSIDs

In the previous tip we illustrated how you can dump all Wi-Fi profile names using netsh.exe. Typically, profile names and SSIDs are identical....

Dumping Wi-Fi Passwords

In the previous tip we used netsh.exe to dump Wi-Fi profiles. Let’s take it a step further and expose the cached passwords: # get cleartext...

Showing Wi-Fi Profiles

PowerShell is not limited to cmdlets and can run executables. For example, there is no built-in cmdlet to list the existing Wi-Fi profiles, but...

Redirecting Streams

PowerShell writes output information to six different streams, and only the output stream is assigned to variables: function Invoke-Test {...

Silencing Write-Host Statements

Write-Host is an extremely useful cmdlet to output information to a user because this output cannot be discarded: function Invoke-Test {...

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