Compliance audits are an inescapable part of the information technology world we live in. A compliance audit is a detailed review that is conducted...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Discarding (Any) Output
There are (a few) commands in PowerShell that output information to the console no matter what you do. Neither redirection of streams nor assigning...
Help – I’ve inherited yet another database!
In the previous tip we introduced the PowerShell “SmbShare” module which comes with Windows and enables you to manage file shares. We looked at the...
SQL Diagnostic Manager 10.6 General Availability
We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Diagnostic Manager 10.6. Existing users may upgrade to this version through the Idera...
The Important Role of Compliance Reporting
The way organizations handle sensitive and personal information regarding their customers and employees has radically changed in the last twenty...
Announcing the General Availability of SQL Secure 3.3.2
We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Secure 3.3.2. Customers can access the new version via the IDERA Customer Portal. New...
Identifying Operating System Details
WMI returns a cryptic number when you ask for operating system details: PS> Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object...
Maintaining the Security of Your MySQL Databases
MySQL is the database platform behind many popular websites and applications such as Netflix, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. As one of the most...
Identifying Windows Type
You Need to Read the Fine Print on Your Software Licenses
Computer technology touches virtually every aspect of our daily lives. We come in contact with computerized systems with such regularity that many...
Boot and Install Time for Operating System
The WMI class Win32_OperatingSystem provides rich information about a number of datetime information, including the date of last boot-up and the...
What Makes a Dashboard Useful to its Audience?
Dashboards offer effective visualization vehicles for providing information gleaned from an organization’s data resources in a concise format....
The Best Way to Reduce Your DBAs’ Learning Curve
When an individual chooses a career as a database administrator they are committing themselves to a lifetime of learning. Keeping abreast of new...
Changing Operating System Description
Each Windows operating system has a description, and you can view (and change) this description with the following command: PS> control sysdm.cpl...
How to Choose the Right Database for Your Application
Developing a new application means there are many decisions an organization needs to make. One of the most important choices that the development...
Showing Object Data as Table in a Grid View Window
Typically, when you output a single object to Out-GridView, you get one line, and every property surfaces as a column: Get-ComputerInfo |...
Removing Empty Properties
WMI and Get-CimInstance can provide you with a lot of useful information but the returned objects often contain a number of empty properties: PS>...
A Simple Way to Make Your SQL Server DBAs More Efficient
The role of an SQL Server database administrator brings with it a wide range of responsibilities. On any given day a DBA may have to address...
Using Assertions
Often, your code needs to assert certain prerequisites. For example, you may want to ensure that a given folder exists, and use code like this: #...
The Best Practices for Implementing Effective Monitoring
Monitoring is an important activity that is performed in many diverse situations. From healthcare workers to stockbrokers, monitoring the systems on...
Data Visualization – Quick and Easy
Visually analyze data with Aqua Data Studio and bring your data to life! Create engaging data visualizations and dashboards to explore and share....
Wake On LAN
There is no need for external “Wake On LAN” tools. If you want to wake up a network machine, simply tell PowerShell the MAC address of...
How to Keep Critical Systems Running During the Pandemic
The word critical has taken on increased importance in multiple disciplines since the world was subjected to the novel coronavirus. Items and...
Converting Hex Numbers
PowerShell can interactively convert hexadecimal numbers when you prefix “0x”: PS> 0xAB0f 43791 If the hex number is stored in a...
Auto-Learning Argument Completion
Argument completion is awesome for a user because valid arguments are always suggested. Many built-in PowerShell commands come with argument...
Plagued by IT Downtime?
Cut IT Downtime By Using Server Monitoring Tools. In today’s world, we need to keep our organizations up and running 24/7 with limited...
Monitoring is the Key to Improving Database Performance
Performance is a term that gets thrown around in many different contexts. It’s a much sought-after commodity in endeavors as diverse as sports,...
Adding Argument Completion (Part 2)
In the previous tip we talked about the new [ArgumentCompletions()] attribute that was added to PowerShell 7, and how you can use it to add...
The Use of MySQL in the Scientific Community
MySQL is an extremely popular relational database management system (RDBMS) that is used in many different sectors of business and industry. It is...
Top 7 Reasons for SQL Database Performance Issues and How to Overcome Them
Fine-tuning SQL code is not a one-off effort. It's a recurring task for database administrators (DBAs) as changing conditions can adversely...