Are you curious about who the customers of SQL Admin Toolset are in terms of the organization, industry, and country? Are you curious about what the...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Improved SQL Server Health with SQL Doctor
Many things can go wrong with your SQL Servers that degrade their performance and reduce user productivity. Tracking down the issues that are...
Announcing the General Availability of SQL Compliance Manager 5.7
We’re excited to announce the release of SQL Compliance Manager 5.7. SQL Compliance Manager is a comprehensive database auditing solution...
Installing Free Chocolatey Package Management
Chocolatey is a package management system that helps you download and install software packages. Unlike the PowerShell Gallery, Chocolatey is not...
Focused Monitoring To Prevent Unexpected Database Problems
Database administrators are typically not amused by sudden changes to the performance of their databases. This is especially true when response time...
Grab Original PowerShell Language Specification
The PowerShell team has once published the rich and detailed PowerShell 3 language reference, and since the core language never changed, this...
Show Your #IDERALove on Twitter to win IDERA Swag!
Are you an IDERA superfan? Do you eagerly await news of the latest product updates and read every whitepaper and blog post? Is your collection of...
Structured vs. Unstructured Data
The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), e-commerce, the consumer Internet, social media, and big data have made an enormous amount of data...
Downloading PowerShell Language Reference (or any file)
Invoke-WebRequest can easily download files for you. The code below downloads the PowerShell Language Reference published by PowerShell Magazine,...
What is Index Fragmentation and What Can You Do About It?
In the world of SQL Server administration, many issues can negatively impact database performance. They range from inappropriately provisioned...
Sharing Modules in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core
Many PowerShell users start to take a look at PowerShell 7, and run it side-by-side to the built-in Windows PowerShell. Both PowerShell versions...
Your MySQL Servers Are Being Targeted By Ransomware
There are many unscrupulous entities determined to compromise your systems with malware infections. In the early days of the IT industry, the goal...
Installing ActiveDirectory Module
Good news for any PowerShell users dealing with Active Directory: in recent Windows 10 builds (Enterprise, Professional), Microsoft included the...
Why You Need to Manage Your Database Changes
Change is a constant in the lives of database professionals. It can manifest itself in many forms. At one end of the spectrum, new systems may be...
Is Your Company Prepared for Cyberattacks?
It’s very easy for IT professionals to become insulated from world events as they strive to keep their company’s computer systems...
Testing for Pending Reboots
When Windows installed updates or made related changes to the operating system, changes may become effective only after a reboot. While a reboot is...
Launching PowerShell Scripts Invisibly
There is no a built-in way to launch a PowerShell script hidden: even if you run powershell.exe and specify -WindowStyle Hidden, the PowerShell...
FluidShell – A Primer – SQL Server Edition
Welcome to this first of three blog posts that would cover the basics of getting practical usage of Aqua Data Studio's FluidShell. Introduction:...
Helping Management See the Story Hidden in the Data
In most companies of any size, important strategic decisions are made by upper-echelon management figures. These individuals are entrusted with...
Killing Non-Responding Processes
Process objects returned by Get-Process can tell whether the process is currently responding to window messages and thus to user requests. This line...
The Compromise Between Database Performance and Security
The performance of a database has often been considered its most critical aspect. Satisfying the demands of users is one of the primary concerns of...
Testing Network Connections (Part 2)
If you’d like to test whether a specific computer or URL is online, for decades ping requests (ICMP) have been used. In recent times, many servers...
Testing Network Connections (Part 1)
PowerShell comes with Test-NetConnection which works like a sophisticated ping tool. In its default, you can ping computers: PS>...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 4)
In the previous tips we investigated the UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder and how to identify devices in your network. Let’s look at some use cases. Obviously,...
The Best Way to Manage Queries on Multiple Platforms
Modern database teams need to navigate increasingly complex computing environments that often include working with more than one platform...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 3)
In the previous tip we illustrated how to use the UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder to find devices on your network. You already learned how to enumerate all...
Tips That Will Tighten Up Your SQL Server Security
Security is an important topic that may not always get the attention it deserves from your organization’s database developers. While the...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 2)
In the previous tip, we used the UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder to discover smart devices hooked up to your network. Today, let’s take a closer look at...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 1)
You are probably living already in a connected smart home with many devices hooked up to your network. PowerShell can help you find your devices...
How to use temporal data to improve SQL code
SQL is the first programming language with temporal data types. The SQL-92 standard added temporal data to the language, acknowledging most of what...