Last year, Google changed their terms and requires an individual API key now to use their geocode API. Fortunately, there are free alternatives, so...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Agile is the new Waterfall
With changes in software development methodologies, the role of the data modeler has changed significantly. In many organizations, data...
Managing Backup & Recovery is the Most Important Thing DBAs Do
I know that many database professionals will cringe at the title of this blog post, but it is absolutely the truth. DBAs are charged with many...
Cloud Service Delivery Models
In week 3 of our Solutions for the Cloud blog series, we dive into three service delivery models of the cloud concept. If you missed it, feel free...
Using Session Variables in Web Requests
Sometimes, web requests that work fine in a browser do not seem to work well in PowerShell. For example, when you navigate to...
Left Side of Comparison
When using comparison operators, always make sure the relevant part is placed left. That’s because PowerShell looks at the left side of an...
Benefits of SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
Welcome to our new blog series Benefits of SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL. This series will discuss the features of SQL Diagnostic Manager for...
Subscribe to Lock and Unlock Events
Whenever a user locks his machine, and whenever a user unlocks a machine, Windows emits an event. PowerShell can subscribe to these events and do...
Finding Installed Updates (Part 2)
The Windows Update Client maintains its own log of installed updates. Rather than querying the generic system event log, or actively searching for...
Finding Installed Updates (Part 1)
Get-Hotfix returns installed hotfixes but really only is a wrapper around the Win32_QuickFixEngineering WMI class. It is not returning all installed...
Cloud Building Blocks and Layers
Welcome back to our blog series, Solutions for the Cloud. Now that we’ve discussed three concepts of virtualization related to the cloud, we...
Finding Missing Updates
PowerShell can access the same logic that is used by the Windows Update Client, and query for missing updates: $UpdateSession = New-Object...
Who is Starting Hidden Programs?
Ever wondered why your CPU load is so high at times, or why black windows open up for a split second? Then check your event log for program...
Finding Logon Events
Provided you have Administrator privileges, here is a quick and easy way of dumping all login events. This way you can find out who logged in to a...
Resolving URLs
Often, URLs redirect to the final URL, so if you’d like to know where a given URL really points to, use a function like this: function...
Access InterBase and Snowflake with Aqua Data Studio
Last month, Lisa Waugh announced the release of the latest version of Aqua Data Studio (ADS). Version 20.0 expands the platform coverage of this...
Finding Size of Download
When you download files from the internet and use PowerShell, you may want to find out how long the download will take. While you can check the size...
Solutions for the Cloud – Virtualization
Welcome to our latest weekly blog series, Solutions for the Cloud. This series will focus on central concepts and benefits related to the cloud and...
Detecting Key Press
Sometimes it would be nice if a script was able to detect a key press without interfering with the script and its inputs. This way, you could add...
June #SQLChat – Optimizing SQL Server Indexes
SQL Server indexes can improve SQL Query performance when done correctly - but how do you create an optimal set of indexes? Join IDERA...
Using FileSystemWatcher Asynchronously
In the previous tip we looked at the FileSystemWatcher object and how it can monitor folders for changes. To not miss any changes, however, an...
Using FileSystemWatcher Synchronously
Here is a chunk of code illustrating how PowerShell can use the FileSystemWatcher to synchronously watch a folder including subfolders for file...
Using Default Credentials for Proxy
When your company uses an authenticated proxy, PowerShell may not always be able to contact the Internet. You may have to instruct the web proxy to...
Announcing the GA Release of SQL Secure 3.3
We’re excited to announce the release of SQL Secure 3.3. SQL Secure is an auditing and security tool for SQL Servers. It helps...
PowerShell 7
Today we are not talking about code but about PowerShell in general. Microsoft has announced that the next release of PowerShell is called...
RSAT Tools Built-In
The Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) used to be an external download that added two important PowerShell modules: ActiveDirectory and...
Searching Files Using Index Search
Windows Indexing indexes most files in your user profile and drives the fast file search in File Explorer. PowerShell can access the same mechanism....
Turn on Streaming for Loops
PowerShell comes with a number of looping constructs. These looping constructs cannot stream, so you cannot pipe the results to other cmdlets and...
Deploying the SQLcompliance Agent in a Failover Cluster Environment Using a Powershell Script
Background A few months ago, I spoke to one of our SQL Safe Backup customers that had a very large SQL Server environment. In an effort to...
Marking Scripts for PowerShell Core or Windows PowerShell
As you probably know, there are two breeds of PowerShell: Windows PowerShell ships with Windows operating systems and is based on the full .NET...