For reporting and similar use cases, scripts may require the first and last day in a given month. The first day is easy, yet the last day depends on...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Formatting a DateTime
Whenever you have a true DateTime (and not a string, for example), you have plenty of powerful ways to format. You can get DateTime objects...
Extracting Windows Installation Date
Ever wondered how old your Windows installation is? A one-liner can tell: PS> (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).InstallDate Freitag,...
Monitor the performance of SQL Server in the hybrid cloud
As organizations migrate their databases to the cloud, database administrators need to consistently manage databases on-premise and in the cloud...
Hide OneDrive from File Explorer
Are you tired of OneDrive icons polluting your file explorer tree view? If you don’t use OneDrive, then here are two handy functions that hide...
Turn a Windows Server into a Workstation
PowerShell 5 and later releases come with a cmdlet to automatically add new Windows features, so if you are running a Windows Server and would like...
Automatically Printing to XPS Files
XPS is a document format similar to PDF from Microsoft. Although it never really was used in a large scale, it can still be a valuable internal...
Resolutions for your Data Management Strategy
As 2019 has just begun, it’s a good time to assess what you accomplished last year and what goals to set for the new year. It's also a great...
Specifying Planned Downtime In Precise
When you're young, you call it a "blackout" period. When you're older, it becomes "planned downtime". Precise AdminPoint,...
Removing BOM from the Unicode Files
BOM (Byte Order Mask) is a characteristic byte sequence used in some Unicode encoded text files. If you receive text files with BOM that need to be...
PowerShell Cheat Sheet Compilation (Part 2)
In the previous tip we pointed you to a great compilation of PowerShell cheat sheets. Let’s now check out how easily PowerShell can download...
Using SQL Secure to monitor SQL Instances and Databases running on Azure
As companies migrate more and more applications and data to the cloud using services like Azure and Amazon, it is important to ensure that the SQL...
Open Precise on Statistics View showing Health
Precise's Statistics view provides DBAs with a quick assessment of overall health. One way to go directly to this view is via Favorites in...
PowerShell Cheat Sheet Compilation (Part 1)
Here is a great compilation of popular PowerShell cheat sheets, completely free and ready for download:...
Get Text File Encoding
Text files can be stored using different encodings, and to correctly reading them, you must specify the encoding. That’s why most cmdlets...
Controlling PowerShell Transparency with Mouse Wheel
On Windows 10, when you hold CTRL+SHIFT and then move your mouse wheel, you can easily control the transparency of console window, including the...
Retrieving Windows Product Key
Here is a one-liner that retrieves your original Windows product key: (Get-WmiObject -Class...
Printing PDF Files (Part 2)
In the previous tip we explained how PowerShell can send PDF documents to the default PDF printer. This generic approach is OK for simple scenarios...
How to troubleshoot locking problems in SQL Server with Dynamic Management Views
Database professionals are often called upon to investigate performance problems related to locking, but most investigations into locking rarely go...
Printing PDF Files (Part 1)
To automatically print PDF documents, unfortunately you cannot use Out-Printer. Out-Printer can only send pure text documents to a printer. However,...
Installing Linux on Windows 10
Windows 10 comes with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) feature that you can use to run various Linux distributions. Launch a PowerShell with...
Microsoft announces the availability of IDERA SQL DM Performance Insights for Azure Data Studio
We are pleased to announce an updated version of IDERA SQL DM Performance Insights for Azure Data Studio. And we are excited to be announcing the...
Using Localized User and Group Names
[System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier _i="0" _address="0" theme_builder_area="post_content" /][System.Security.Principal.NTAccount _i="1"...
SID of Current User
Here is a one-liner that returns the SID for the current user and can be used in logon scripts, for example:...
Precise for Sybase monitoring & performance
Precise for Sybase builds a history of activity showing resource consumers. SQL statements are correlated to stored producers, logins, and...
Scanning Ports
Here is a straightforward way to test ports on a local or remote system. You can even specify a timeout (in milliseconds): function Get-PortInfo {...
What to do when the SQL Server service does not start
The executable process that is the SQL Server Database Engine is called the Database Engine service. The Database Engine service is an executable...
Resetting Console Colors
It can be easy to mess up console colors in the PowerShell console. A single call with accidental values, or a script that messed with the colors,...
Data Proximity for Data Warehousing Performance
Data Warehousing DBAs usually work with huge tables, often possessing hundreds of millions or even billions of rows. And occasionally, these DBAs...
Solving SSL Connection Problems
Sometimes when you try to access web services (or download internet content in general), PowerShell may bail out and complain about not being able...