I saw this blog post and I decided to publish this one for France. Here is a PowerShell function that gets all French holidays:
function Get-FrenchHoliday { param ( [int] $Year = (Get-Date).Year, [ValidateSet("alsace-moselle", "guadeloupe", "guyane", "la-reunion", "martinique", "mayotte", "metropole", "nouvelle-caledonie", "polynesie-francaise", "saint-barthelemy", "saint-martin", "saint-pierre-et-miquelon", "wallis-et-futuna")] [string] $Area = 'metropole', [switch] $NextOnly ) $url = "https://calendrier.api.gouv.fr/jours-feries/$Area/$Year.json" $holidays = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing foreach ($obj in $holidays.PSObject.Properties) { if (-Not ($NextOnly.IsPresent) -or (((([DateTime]$obj.Name).Ticks) - (Get-Date).Ticks) -gt 0)) { Write-Host "$($obj.Value) : $($obj.Name)" } } }
Run the function above, then either run the command as-is:
Or, submit additional arguments to get specific holidays for a specific area:
Get-FrenchHoliday with parameters
Thanks to this function, my co-worker Tim will always know when I have a public holiday! 😉