
Using Catalog Files

Catalog file support (.cat) is new in PowerShell 5.1. Cat files basically are file lists with hash values. You can use them to ensure that a given...

Making Error Records More Readable

Whenever PowerShell encounters an error, it emits an Error Record with detailed information about the problem. Unfortunately, these objects are a...

Creating Write-Protected Functions

PowerShell functions by default can be overridden anytime, and you can also remove them using Remove-Item: function Test-Lifespan {...

$FormatEnumerationLimit Scoping Issues

As shown in the previous tip, the secret $FormatEnumerationLimit variable determines how many array elements are shown in output before the output...

Displaying Array Members in Output

When you output objects that have arrays in their properties, only 4 array elements are displayed, then an ellipsis truncates the rest: PS C:\>...

Find All Files Two Levels Deep

Yet another file system task: list all *.log files in a folder structure, but only to a maximum depth of 2 folder structures: Get-ChildItem -Path...

Invoke-WebRequest vs. Invoke-RestMethod

Invoke-WebRequest simply downloads the content from any web site. It is then your job to read the content and make sense of it. In the previous tip...

Downloading PowerShell Code

In the previous tip we explained how Invoke-WebRequest can be used to download the raw HTML content for any web page. This can also be used to...

Hiding Progress Bars

Sometimes, cmdlets automatically display a progress bar. Here is an example of such a progress bar: $url =...

Analyzing Web Page Content

PowerShell comes with a built-in web client which can retrieve HTML content for you. For a simple web page analysis, use the -UseBasicParsing...

Adding Extra Safety Net

If you are writing PowerShell functions, and you know a particular function has the potential to cause a lot of harm, there is an easy way of adding...

Hiding Common Parameters

In our last tip we explained how you can hide parameters from IntelliSense. This has a cool side effect that we’d like to point you to today!...

Turning Objects into Hash Tables

In one of the previous tips we examined how Get-Member can retrieve the property names for an object. Here is another use case that takes any...

Hiding Parameters

In the previous tip we explained how you can dump all the legal values for a PowerShell attribute. Today we’ll take a look at the [Parameter()]...

Exploring PowerShell Attribute Values

As you might know, you can add attributes to variables and parameters to more specifically define them. For example, the line below defines a...

Using Dynamic Parameters

Most PowerShell functions use static parameters. They are defined in a param() block and are always present. A little-known fact is that you can...

Accessing Website Content

Typically, it is trivial for PowerShell to retrieve raw HTML website content by using Invoke-WebRequest. A script can then take the HTML content and...

Accepting Different Parameter Types

Occasionally, you might want to create a function that accepts different parameter types. Let’s say you want the user to be able to either submit an...

Translating VBScript to PowerShell

Most old VBS scripts can be easily translated to PowerShell. The key command in VBS is “CreateObject” which lets you access system libraries....

Invoking Excel Macros from PowerShell

PowerShell can invoke Microsoft Excel sheets and start contained macros. While this would work with an invisible Excel application window, it is a...

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