With the discoveries in our past tips, let’s compose a useful completion code that suggests all available programs you can launch: function...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 2)
In our previous tip we looked at [ArgumentCompleter] and how this attribute can add clever code to parameters that provides auto-completion values...
Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 1)
In previous tips we explained various ways of adding argument completers to your parameters. One approach used the [ArgumentCompleter] attribute and...
Listing Installed Applications (Part 2)
In the previous tip we read the registry to find out paths to applications you can launch. This approach worked well but had two flaws: first, the...
Listing Installed Applications (Part 1)
Ever wondered what the path is to launch a given application? The Windows registry has a key that stores such information: $key =...
Secret Dynamic Argument Completer
In the previous tip we introduced the lesser-known “ArgumentCompletion” attribute that can provide IntelliSense-like autocompletion to parameters....
Creating Colorful Console Hardcopies
If you’d like to hardcopy the content of a PowerShell console, you can copy and select the text, but this messes up colors and formatting. A better...
Understanding $ErrorView
When PowerShell encounters a problem, it displays a rather lengthy error message: PS> 1/0 Attempted to divide by zero. At line:1 char:1 + 1/0 +...
IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 4)
Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...
IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 3)
Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...
IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 2)
Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...
IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 1)
Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...
Separating IPv4 and IPv6
Let’s assume you want to return IP addresses from all network cards but separate them by address type. Here is an approach that uses solely...
Installing and Test-Driving Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal is a new multi-tabbed tool for console-based shells. It is officially available via the Microsoft Store and currently requires...
Installing Free Chocolatey Package Management
Chocolatey is a package management system that helps you download and install software packages. Unlike the PowerShell Gallery, Chocolatey is not...
Grab Original PowerShell Language Specification
The PowerShell team has once published the rich and detailed PowerShell 3 language reference, and since the core language never changed, this...
Downloading PowerShell Language Reference (or any file)
Invoke-WebRequest can easily download files for you. The code below downloads the PowerShell Language Reference published by PowerShell Magazine,...
Sharing Modules in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core
Many PowerShell users start to take a look at PowerShell 7, and run it side-by-side to the built-in Windows PowerShell. Both PowerShell versions...
Installing ActiveDirectory Module
Good news for any PowerShell users dealing with Active Directory: in recent Windows 10 builds (Enterprise, Professional), Microsoft included the...
Testing for Pending Reboots
When Windows installed updates or made related changes to the operating system, changes may become effective only after a reboot. While a reboot is...
Launching PowerShell Scripts Invisibly
There is no a built-in way to launch a PowerShell script hidden: even if you run powershell.exe and specify -WindowStyle Hidden, the PowerShell...
Killing Non-Responding Processes
Process objects returned by Get-Process can tell whether the process is currently responding to window messages and thus to user requests. This line...
Testing Network Connections (Part 2)
If you’d like to test whether a specific computer or URL is online, for decades ping requests (ICMP) have been used. In recent times, many servers...
Testing Network Connections (Part 1)
PowerShell comes with Test-NetConnection which works like a sophisticated ping tool. In its default, you can ping computers: PS>...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 4)
In the previous tips we investigated the UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder and how to identify devices in your network. Let’s look at some use cases. Obviously,...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 3)
In the previous tip we illustrated how to use the UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder to find devices on your network. You already learned how to enumerate all...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 2)
In the previous tip, we used the UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder to discover smart devices hooked up to your network. Today, let’s take a closer look at...
Exploring Plug&Play Devices (Part 1)
You are probably living already in a connected smart home with many devices hooked up to your network. PowerShell can help you find your devices...
Listing Installed Updates (Part 2)
In the previous tip we looked at how to retrieve the list of currently installed updates from the Windows Update Client. This list can be polished,...
Listing Installed Updates (Part 1)
Get-Hotfix only lists operating-system-related hotfixes: Get-HotFix In reality, it is just a thin wrapper around a WMI query which produces...