
Installing PowerShell 7

PowerShell 7 is a portable app and can run side-by-side with Windows PowerShell. You just need to download and install it. This part is easy because...

Enabling Clickable PowerPoint Actions

Using clickable actions in PowerPoint presentations can be super useful to launch Visual Studio Code or PowerShell ISE, and seamlessly open and demo...

Manage Automatic Disk Checks

Whenever Windows detects irregularities with storage drives, it enables an automatic integrity check. For system partitions, on next boot, Windows...

Getting Available Video Resolutions

WMI can return a list of available video resolutions for your video adapter: PS> Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_VideoControllerResolution |...

Be Careful with Some Commands

Here are three commands often found in PowerShell scripts that you should be careful about because they can have severe side effects: exit“exit” is...

Dealing with Out-GridView Bug

Out-GridView can serve as a universal selection dialog when you add the -PassThru parameter. The one-liner below stops all services you select in...

Exploring WMI with PowerShell

The Win32_LogicalDevice WMI class represents all logic devices available in a computer, and by querying this “superclass”, you get back all the...

Managing Updates with PSWindowsUpdate

There are many useful PowerShell modules available from the PowerShell Gallery. One helps you managing updates. To download and install it, run:...

Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 5)

In our previous tip we looked at sophisticated completion code that completed application paths. Collecting the completion values could take some...

Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 4)

In the previous tip we explained how you can use [ArgumentCompleter] to add powerful argument completers for parameters. There are limitations...

Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 3)

With the discoveries in our past tips, let’s compose a useful completion code that suggests all available programs you can launch: function...

Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 2)

In our previous tip we looked at [ArgumentCompleter] and how this attribute can add clever code to parameters that provides auto-completion values...

Dynamic Argument Completion (Part 1)

In previous tips we explained various ways of adding argument completers to your parameters. One approach used the [ArgumentCompleter] attribute and...

Listing Installed Applications (Part 2)

In the previous tip we read the registry to find out paths to applications you can launch. This approach worked well but had two flaws: first, the...

Secret Dynamic Argument Completer

In the previous tip we introduced the lesser-known “ArgumentCompletion” attribute that can provide IntelliSense-like autocompletion to parameters....

Creating Colorful Console Hardcopies

If you’d like to hardcopy the content of a PowerShell console, you can copy and select the text, but this messes up colors and formatting. A better...

Understanding $ErrorView

When PowerShell encounters a problem, it displays a rather lengthy error message: PS> 1/0 Attempted to divide by zero. At line:1 char:1 + 1/0 +...

IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 4)

Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...

IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 3)

Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...

IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 2)

Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...

IntelliSense for Parameters (Part 1)

Wouldn’t it be nice if parameters would suggest valid arguments for the user? Sometimes they do. When you type below command and press a SPACE after...

Separating IPv4 and IPv6

Let’s assume you want to return IP addresses from all network cards but separate them by address type. Here is an approach that uses solely...

Installing ActiveDirectory Module

Good news for any PowerShell users dealing with Active Directory: in recent Windows 10 builds (Enterprise, Professional), Microsoft included the...

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