Precise Alerting: duration of history & GUI speed

by Oct 12, 2016

Precise keeps a rolling three year history.  Some shops value this duration because it includes multiple quarter-end and year-end processing windows.  For others, they never look back beyond a year.  The duration retained is configurable in Precise’s AdminPoint.  Set it to meet your goals.

Likewise, in Precise’s alerting interface, Precise shows a history of samples with a date and timestamp.  If an alert condition is tested often, rendering the alert history can take time.  These instructions show how to change the duration of history presented; thereby, speeding up Precise’s alert GUI.

1. Go to the Precise Root Folder.
2. Go to the location: <precise_root>productspulsepulsefocalfocalpointdataretrieverresource.
3. Locate the file: overTimeGraphMetricResource.xml.  Please email for a copy.
4. Take a backup of this file into a folder outside this location: for e.g.: <precise_root>backup.
5. Replace the file in the location <precise_root>productspulsepulsefocalfocalpointdataretrieverresource.
6. Restart all the Precise services.