Printing PDF Files (Part 1)

by Jan 16, 2019

To automatically print PDF documents, unfortunately you cannot use Out-Printer. Out-Printer can only send pure text documents to a printer.

However, take a look at this line:

# adjust this path to the PDF document of choice
$Path = "c:\docs\document.pdf"

Start-Process -FilePath $Path -Verb Print

Provided you have software installed that can print PDF document, this code sends the document to the associated program and prints it to the default printer automatically.

Some software (like Acrobat Reader) will stay in memory after that. To kill the program, consider an approach like this:

# adjust this path to the PDF document of choice
$Path = "c:\docs\document.pdf"

# choose a delay (in seconds) for the print out to complete
$PrintDelay = 10

Start-Process -FilePath $Path -Verb Print -PassThru | 
  ForEach-Object{ Start-Sleep $printDelay $_} | 
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