Setting up a Linux VM using Google Cloud

by Jul 11, 2017

Howdy! In this blog post, I will be showing you all on how to setup a new Linux VM in Google Cloud.


If you are new to Google Cloud, I would highly suggest viewing this video 


  1. In your project click on the Compute Engine in the navigation bar.
  2. Click on VM Instances 

  3. Click on the create button
  4. We will be using a Debian Distribution
  5. Give your instance a name and check the http and https checkboxes
  6. Leave the rest of the options as Defaults and click create

  7. Once you have created the VM. You will see the newly created VM with a Public and private IP address.
  8. Then using your fav ssh tool, you may login with the credentials being issues via the SSH Option below

  9. Now choose Open in browser window and you are able to login into your new Linux VM.
  10. Now you are presented with the Linux Console. 

    To test the Linux version type in the following shell prompt 

    uname -a
  11. You will now see the following output 


Congratulations! You have now successfully launched your very first Linux VM in the Google Cloud!


In the next article we will be deploying a web server and publishing a simple webpage.