SQL Diagnostic Manager 9.0 General Availability

by Feb 10, 2015

We are pleased to announce the general availability of SQL Diagnostic Manager 9.0. Existing users may upgrade to this version through the Idera Customer Portal. New users may download the trial version from the Idera Website. This release includes the following features:

In addition to a number of bug fixes, the release will include the following:

New Features:

Enhanced query plan monitoring and diagnosticsSQL DM will now capture query execution plans and provide new query plan viewing and diagnostic capabilities.

The new Main query view provides high level query performance information across applications, databases and users with drill down capabilities into individual queries with two additional new views.

  • Query details view that shows SQL text, execution plan XML, and a graphical view of the execution plan.
  • Query signature view that rolls matching queries into a query signature.

Official release of the SQL DM web console – The web console capabilities that were introduced in DM 8.5 as a tech preview are now officially released in DM 9.0.  There will be three primary views for the web console;

  • Today – Searchable and sortable Instance Overview with Active Alerts and Top Issues panel
  • Top X Lists – Several widgets showing top performance problems and issues
  • Alerts – Historical alerts list with details that can be filtered and sorted

Wiki-based Help – Online help is now integrated as part of Idera’s online help page.  Help topics can be updated without revising product packaging.

You can find more details about the new features of Diagnostic Manager 9.0 in the preview post.

Questions or comments?  Please let us know in the SQL Diagnostic Manager forum.