Improve DBA Productivity with a Unified Management Tool

by Feb 14, 2020

Computing professionals often are called upon to work in very challenging conditions. The world of information technology is constantly evolving as systems are added or removed from an environment. New feature sets can radically change how a piece of software functions and demand that its users assimilate the modifications to ensure they make optimal use of the product. During their career, the average member of a database team will need to display a high degree of flexibility and the ability to cope with new ways of doing things.

The introduction of disruptive technologies such as the cloud can completely change the landscape that IT teams need to navigate while performing their daily responsibilities. One day their database servers are located down the hall where they are easily physically accessed and the next they are running on a cloud provider’s hardware far out of reach. Functionally, things are still the same but very different at the same time. The changes may necessitate finding new methods of getting the same things done.

Cloud providers may offer their own toolsets with which to manage and interact with the databases they host. In some cases, this may require your team to stop using an application they are comfortable with that may no longer support the cloud instances. It’s stressful enough to have your databases living in the cloud without also having to modify the way the team supports them. Most DBAs would welcome the opportunity to use a familiar tool to manage their cloud databases.

Some members of the IT community see their profession as being different from most other ways to earn a living. While this may be true in some respects, in one important way the working life of IT workers like DBAs is very similar to those of individuals in many other professions. They depend on the tools of their trade to get things done efficiently. In many cases, it would be impossible to perform their roles without the proper apparatus. Using the right tool often spells the difference between success and failure.

Some Historically Game-Changing Tools

Let’s step away from the database world for a moment and consider how tools that can be used to solve multiple problems have changed the lives of individuals engaged in different occupations. Over the centuries, there have been many inventions that were designed to solve specific problems. Some have gone on to have an impact on many millions of people throughout the world.

The invention of the printing press unquestioningly changed the world forever. Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in approximately 1440, the technology enabled printed information to be disseminated to the masses. Its use of moveable type replaced the method of printing books using carved blocks of wood. This was a time-consuming and expensive process that limited both the number of books available and the members of the population who could afford them. The printing press was instrumental in spreading literacy throughout society and had an impact on individuals that is comparable with the modern development of the Internet. Once it was unloosed on the world, things would never be the same.

Another invention that forever changed the world is the development of the internal combustion engine. It is responsible for providing a means of personal mobility and the exchange of goods that reshaped society in ways that would be unrecognizable to our ancestors. While some would argue that the environmental impacts of this invention may eventually rival its benefits, the 21st Century would be drastically different without this versatile component of our transportation system.

The adjustable wrench demonstrates that sometimes improving on existing technology can lead to exponential increases in its utility. Rather than carrying around an assortment of wrenches to fit any size project, a single adjustable wrench can be used for all of them. This saves money by eliminating the need for multiple implements and increases productivity by saving the time used to locate the correctly sized tool. Just spin the dial rather than search through the toolbox for the 1/4” or 3/8” wrench needed to tighten that nut.

Back to the World of the Database Administrator

Modern DBAs need to use tools that operate with the various databases they manage. In the multi-platform environments favored by most companies, this implies moving between different systems many times throughout the day. Like the handyman working on a home improvement project, they can choose a tool that allows them to address all of their systems or opt for a collection of single-purpose tools with the associated loss of productivity.

Aqua Data Studio is a tool that can be seen as a flexible software application that shares characteristics of general-purpose tools used in many other disciplines. In the hands of your database team, it is like an adjustable wrench that can accommodate many different scenarios. With Aqua Data Studio, database professionals can access and manage the diverse platforms that encompass an organization’s information systems whether they are located on-premises or with a cloud provider.

All popular databases are supported by this versatile tool. Familiarity with its interface increases the team’s productivity when managing systems like MySQL, SQL Server, and MongoDB instances. The application provides a unified platform from which to access databases, develop SQL code, perform reverse-engineering, and create visualizations for more informative data analysis. It can have a huge impact on your DBAs’ ability to cope with the complexities that are an everyday part of their job.