Welcoming a New Free Tool: SQL Query Store Optimizer

by Aug 3, 2016

We are excited to announce the release of a new free tool, SQL Query Store Optimizer, designed to help you improve the performance of SQL Server 2016’s Query Store. Troubleshoot issues and execute tasks that follow best practices to keep the Query Store tuned to the database workload.

With the free tool, display all properties of all Query Stores per SQL Server instance in a single summary table. This overview allows you to compare properties across Query Stores, to identify quickly the origin of performance problems, and to select quickly a Query Store to modify its properties and contents.

For a selected database, execute predefined Query Store actions including:

  • clear Query Store contents
  • restart Query Store
  • recover from memory corruption
  • recover from disk corruption
  • set Query Store to default settings
  • keep only most relevant data in Query Store
  • flush Query Store in-memory cache to disk
  • find and delete ad-hoc queries executed only once and older than 24 hours.

Download the new SQL Query Store Optimizer today and ensure that your Query Store runs properly. Refer also to IDERA’s Community Forum for SQL Query Store Optimizer.