Working With TimeSpan Objects

by May 17, 2013

TimeSpan objects represent a given amount of time. They are incredibly useful when you calculate with dates or times because they can represent the amount of time between two dates, or can add a day (or a minute) to a date to create relative dates.

Here are some samples to get you started:

# get a timespan representing one day and 3 hours:
New-TimeSpan -Days 1 -Hours 3

# get a timespan representing the time difference between now and next Christmas
New-Timespan -End '2013-12-24 18:30:00'

# get a timespan by subtracting two dates:
[DateTime]'2013-12-24 18:30:00'  - (Get-Date) 

# get a timespan by subtracting a timespan representing one day from a date:
(Get-Date) - [TimeSpan]'1.00:00:00'

# getting a specific property from a timespan (for example just the days):
$days = (New-Timespan -End '2013-12-24 18:30:00').Days
"Days to Christmas: $days"

# negating a timespan:
$timespan = New-TimeSpan -Days 1

# creating a negative timespan directly:
New-TimeSpan -Days -1

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