Build iOS 11 ready apps with RAD Studio 10.2.1

by Sep 28, 2017

Target iOS 11 with RAD Studio 10.2.1 and the newly released iOS 11 patch.

We have released a patch that adds support for building and debugging iOS 11 applications on supported devices, and building App Store, Ad Hoc or In-House Distribution ready apps. It also addresses a number of iOS 10 related issues.

This patch is available for any active Update Subscription customer and requires that you have RAD Studio 10.2.1 (Tokyo Release 1) installed.

Supported iOS SDK versions: iOS 10.3.x, iOS 11

Supported Xcode versions: Xcode 8.2.x, 8.3.2, 8.3.3 and 9.0


Note: iOS 11 Simulator deployment is currently not supported as it requires macOS 64-bit support. macOS 64-bit support is on our product roadmap. Targeting iOS 10 Simulator devices is supported.