May Cool App Winner: Ofertas do Dia

by Jun 2, 2017

May Cool App Winner: Ofertas do DiaThe cool app Winner for May comes from Brazil. It is Ofertas do Dia, or "Daily Offers" for us English speakers. This cool mobile app runs on iOS, Android and Windows Desktop. It collects all the daily offers from the bigger brazilian online stores and provides them in a clear easy to use app! So every day you can access everything from various sites just in one touch.

Ofertas Do Dia

  • You can share the offers
  • You can share the app
  • You can search offers using words or the barcode scanner
  • You can receive remote push notifications about offers

Besides all the time and internet traffic it saves because it user no longer has to visit every site that publish "daily offers." Some of what else that makes it cool is all the impressive technology it includes. Built on the Enterprise Edition of Delphi using FireMonkey it uses regular expressions to extract products and offers from web pages. The data is stored in a FireDAC TFDMemTable. The display uses a custom ListView appearance. The push notifications are supported through Rafael's own solution that doesn't require a 3rd party push notification provider. 


This cool app is offered by Agile Consultoria de Informática and the developer is Rafael Ribas Aguiló

For Rafael's bio he says "I'm a Delphi developer since its version 1 and love the Delphi productivity." For more information on Ofertas do Dia you can check out the Google Play Store.

To see some of the other cool app entries, or to enter your app, visit the Cool App Competition.