PowerShell Essentials using SQL Server SMO

by Mar 23, 2015

  • Avatar of Reza Koohrangpour
    Reza Koohrangpour


    Join our Geek Sync webcast on June 16th at 10:00am CST on the topic of “PowerShell Essentials using SQL Server SMO”.

    Our speaker, Maximo Trinidad, Microsoft PowerShell MVP, will talk about how-to connect to SQL Server (both Windows and SQL Authentication), working with SMO objects, and showing some PowerShell cmdlets that can assist when building the script(s).

    Avatar of Reza Koohrangpour
    Reza Koohrangpour


    Today’s Geek Sync Poll:

    1. True or False?
    Is it required to load the General Assemblies Component (GAC) “Microsoft.SQLServer.Smo” before doing PowerShell SMO scripting?
    True. You need to load the “Microsoft.SQLServer.Smo” assembly before doing any SMO scripting.

    2. True or False?
    “SQL Authentication” is the default authentication method when connecting and creating your PowerShell SQL Server object.
    False. Windows Authentication is the Default authentication, then after the initial connection you can change to SQL Authentication.

    3. True and False?
    Get-Member and Out-Gridview are useful commands to help explore your PowerShell objects?
    True. These commands will become part of your daily activities when working with PowerShell.

    Avatar of Reza Koohrangpour
    Reza Koohrangpour


    ###———–IDERA GEEK SYNCH WebCast June 16th, 2015———————-##
    ### ——- Part – 1 PowerShell SMO by Maximo Trinidad ——————–##
    ### —- – Loads the SQL Server Assembly containing all classes that represent
    ### – the core SQL Server Database Engine objects:
    [system.reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.SQLServer.Smo”) | Out-Null;
    ### —- Connecting to SQL Server —– ##
    ## – Setting variables with Server Connect: (Default Windows Authentication)
    $SQLSvrObj = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server ‘MTRINIDADLT2\MSSQL2K14′; `
    $SQLSvrObj.ConnectionContext.ConnectTimeout = 21600; `
    $SQLSvrObj.ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout = 0;

    ### ———– Connecting to SQL Server using SQL Authentication ———– ##
    #region – SQL Authentication code block:
    # <#
    # $SQLUserName = “sa”; $sqlPwd = ‘$adm1n!’;
    # $SQLSvrObj.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = $false;
    # $SQLSvrObj.ConnectionContext.set_Login($SQLUserName);
    # $SqlUserPwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $sqlPwd -AsPlainText -Force;
    # $SQLSvrObj.ConnectionContext.set_SecurePassword($SqlUserPwd);
    # #>

    ### ———– Exploring your SQL Server objects ———– ##
    ## – Look for information about SQL Server Engine:
    ## – Selecting some properties:
    $SQLSvrObj.Information `
    | Select-Object parent, Version, ProductLevel, edition `
    | format-table -autosize;
    ## – Exporing your PSObject
    $SQLSvrObj | Get-Member | Out-GridView;
    ## – Looking only at values stored under properties:
    $SQLSvrObj | Get-Member -MemberType ‘Properties’ | Out-GridView; `
    $SQLSvrObj | Get-Member -MemberType ‘Methods’ | Out-GridView;

    ### —————- Looking at Databases ————— ##
    ## – Selecting databases:
    $SQLServerInstanceName = ‘MTRINIDADLT2\MSSQL2K14′; `
    [Array] $SelectedDatabases = (($SQLSvrObj.Databases) | Select-Object Name `
    | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title “SQL [$($SQLServerInstanceName)] – Select a database(s):”);
    ## – List selected database(s):
    $SelectedDatabases | Select name;
    ## – Loop through each object found and store them under $Results:
    [Array] $Results = ForEach ($db in $SelectedDatabases) `
    { `
    $SQLSvrObj.Databases[$db.name] `
    | Select-object Name, Owner, CreateDate, RecoveryModel, `
    @{ Label = ‘Size(GB)’; Expression = { “{0:F}” -f (($_.Size) * 1MB/1GB) -as [float] }; }, `
    @{ Label = ‘DataSpaceUsed(GB)’; Expression = { “{0:F}” -f (($_.dataspaceusage) * 1KB)/1GB -as [float] }; }, `
    @{ Label = ‘SpaceAvailable(GB)’; Expression = { “{0:F}” -f (($_.spaceavailable) * 1KB)/1GB -as [float] }; }, `
    @{ Label = ‘PercFree_%’; `
    Expression = { “{0:N}” -f (((($_.spaceavailable) * 1KB)/1GB)/(($_.Size) * 1MB/1GB) * 100) -as [float] } }, `
    @{ Label = ‘TodayDateTime’; Expression = { (Get-Date).ToString() }; } `
    }; `
    $Results | Format-Table -AutoSize;
    ## – Other output:
    $Results | Out-GridView -Title “SQL Server: [$($SQLServerInstanceName)] – Database Information”;
    ## – Saving results to a file:
    $repName1 = “c:\Temp\DatabaseListing_$((Get-Date).ToString(‘yyyyMMdd_hhmmss’)).csv”; `
    $Results | Export-Csv -Path $repName1 -NoTypeInformation; Invoke-Item $repName1;

    ### —————— Looking at Tables —————- ##
    ## – Create PSObject with database table information:
    $DatabaseName = “AdventureWorks2014″; `
    $dbtables = $SQLSvrObj.Databases[$DatabaseName].tables; `
    $dbtables | Select name;
    ## 1 – Display Table Information on a GridView:
    [array] $tblResults = $dbtables | Select-Object `
    @{ Label = ‘SQLServerName’; Expression = { ($($SQLServerInstanceName)) }; }, `
    @{ Label = ‘DatabaseName’; Expression = { ($_.Parent) }; }, `
    @{ Label = ‘TableName’; Expression = { ($_.Name) }; }, `
    @{ Name = ‘DataSpaceUsed(KB)’; Expression = { ($_.dataspaceused) }; }, `
    @{ Label = ‘IndexSpaceUsed(KB)’; Expression = { ($_.IndexSpaceUsed) }; }, RowCount, `
    @{ Label = ‘DateCreated’; Expression = { ($_.CreateDate) }; }, `
    @{Name = “LastTableUpdate”; Expression = { `
    $sqlupdtbl = ” `
    Select `
    last_user_update as [Last_Table_Update] `
    from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats `
    where database_id = db_ID(‘$($DatabaseName)’) `
    and Object_ID = Object_id(‘$($_.Name)’) `
    “; `
    $x = $SQLSvrObj.Databases[$($DatabaseName)].ExecuteWithResults($sqlupdtbl); `
    (((($x.tables).getenumerator()) | Select $_.Last_Table_Update) `
    | Select -first 1 Last_Table_Update).Last_Table_Update; `
    }; `
    ###-Viewing Results:
    $tblResults | ogv -t “SQL Server: [$($SQLServerInstanceName)] – Database [$($DatabaseName)] Tables Information”;

    ### —- SMO looking for Data MDF and Transac Log files UNC SQL Path —- ##
    ## – Listing Individual Database and Transaction logs file location:
    ## — List Database DATA file:
    ($SQLSvrObj.Databases[‘AdventureWorks2014′].FileGroups).files `
    | Select-Object Name, filename, size, `
    @{ Label = ‘Size(GB)’; Expression = { “{0:F}” -f (($_.size) * 1KB)/1GB -as [float] }; } `
    | Format-List;
    ## — List LOG files:
    ($SQLSvrObj.Databases[‘AdventureWorks2014′].Logfiles) `
    | Select-Object Name, filename, size, `
    @{ Label = ‘Size(GB)’; Expression = { “{0:F}” -f (($_.size) * 1KB)/1GB -as [float] }; } `
    | fl;
    ## — List Data files all databases to a Gridview:
    ($SQLSvrObj.Databases.FileGroups).files `
    | Select-Object Name, filename, size, `
    @{ Label = ‘Size(GB)’; Expression = { “{0:F}” -f (($_.size) * 1KB)/1GB -as [float] }; } `
    | Out-Gridview;
    ## — List LOG files all databases to a Gridview:
    ($SQLSvrObj.Databases.Logfiles) `
    | Select-Object Name, filename, size, `
    @{ Label = ‘Size(GB)’; Expression = { “{0:F}” -f (($_.size) * 1KB)/1GB -as [float] }; } `
    | ogv;

    ### ————— Building UNC Paths ——————-##
    ## – Getting SQL Server name:
    ($SQLSvrObj.Information).NetName; `
    $SQLSvrObj.Information.MasterDBPath; `
    ## – Mapping UNC drives:
    New-PSDrive -Name M -PSProvider FileSystem -Persist -Root `
    “\\$($SQLSvrObj.Information.NetName)\$(($SQLSvrObj.Information.MasterDBPath).replace(“:”, “$”))”; `
    New-PSDrive -Name N -PSProvider FileSystem -Persist -Root `
    “\\$($SQLSvrObj.Information.NetName)\$(($SQLSvrObj.Information.MasterDBLogPath).replace(“:”, “$”))”;
    ## End of Demo (Part 1) ##