Announcing the General Availability of IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 7.0
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Quickly grouping events in SQL XEvent Profiler
As you may know, Idera has a number of free tools for SQL Server and we’re always coming out with new ones. Earlier this year we debuted SQL XEvent Profiler, a little tool that uses XEvent technology but emulates the workflow of SQL Profiler to make it quick and...
Survey: Oracle in your environment
A recent survey indicated a significant number of our customers use Oracle in their environment. Please help us better understand how we can help you by filling out this brief survey. There are no wrong answers, and you’ll be helping us to plan the next releases...
Precise for web shows only a location of All
You may notice that in Activity tab in Precise for web your location data only shows a Location Name for All. Although Precise is designed to show multiple locations currently you must define the IP range of locations in your environment. This can be somewhat...
[PAClient Error] Error: E2820 Could not find program… zipalign.exe
This error message can occur when trying to deploy a mobile application to Android if you recently updated the Android SDK version that is being used by the IDE. Google recently changed the package and location of zipalign in SDK Rev. 23 and the IDE is no longer...
Survey: What database platforms are you using?
We are always looking for feedback to ensure we produce products that make your job easier. We’d very much appreciate if you’d take this short survey to let us know what database platforms are in use in your organization. As a thank you, we’ll send you a $5.00...
Mobile User Interface Design: Navigation Drawer
Drawer menus are very popular since they allow you to take advantage of more screen real estate when building your app. The main application menu is hidden by default, and invoked by tapping on a menu item or swiping left/right. This type of UI can be seen in many...
DBAs and Dinosaurs
You have to admit that title is catchier than yet another “Death of the DBA” blog. And that was exactly the direction I was headed until I ran a quick search to find a reference that not only exposed actual predictions of the death of the DBA as a profession but also...
SQL diagnostic manager Secrets: Configuring Alerts
There are a lot of features in SQL diagnostic manager. In this series, I plan to let you know about features that many users never find. In today’s article I want to talk about some of the capabilities around managing alerts that you may not have discovered....
Time for an Upgrade?
I don’t know about you, but deciding when to pull the trigger on an upgrade is not that easy for me. What is to be upgraded usually doesn’t matter either, be it IT related (software, hardware) or the latest smartphone or TV, I typically wrestle with the...
Uploading images to the cloud with BaaS in RAD Studio XE6
In Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio XE6, we integrate with leading Backend as a Service (BaaS) providers to add functionality and platform services to your applications. With BaaS, you get easy access to common services in the cloud without having to build or...
Get Better Integration with SCOM using SQLdm SCOM Management Pack
It’s an age old problem in IT, one IT department has one standard and tools they use to manage their systems. Another IT department has another standard and tools they use to manage their systems. And ‘corporate’ has perhaps an over-arching standard with a mandate of...
Survey: Idera’s new SQL Server job management solution
We are currently working on a new SQL Server agent job monitoring and management tool, to become available later this year. This first release will offer the following features: Agentless monitoring of SQL Server agent jobs Centralized job management including the...
Recruiting Beta Candidates for SQL Compliance Manager 4.5 Beta
Thank you for your interest in the SQL Compliance 4.5 beta. Please note that this is pre-release code and may be subject to certain defects. Your assistance in reporting any issues you may encounter, or any feedback on the new features you are working with, is greatly...
AppTethering Leaderboard – Passing Objects Remotely and using Resources
AppTethering opens up a range of powerful features for coupled applications. Beyond the basic features for calling remote actions (which is rather cool and quick to setup) it is also possible to share resources between applications. To give you an example I have built...
How to convert an object to JSON and back with a single line of code
Ever wanted to take an Object into a format that is easily persisted and back? Well now you can. New in XE6 is the REST.JSON unit. This allows you access to TJSON a class with some very helpful class methods. Using TJSON you can convert an object to a JSON string and...
C++Builder XE6 multi-tier database app with FireDAC JSON Reflection
Welcome to The C++ Mobile Day webinar! Right now I'm listening to David I explaining basics of building native mobile apps for Android and iOS from the same C++ codebase with C++Builder XE6. In less than three hours there will be my, prerecorded session...
Achieve Better Automation with Idera’s SQL Diagnostic Manager
A seasoned SQL Server DBA has many skills, expertise and knowledge. Unfortunately, this also means that his/her time is always on demand by many different groups within the IT organization. Maximizing your productivity and efficiency, especially on many of those pesky...
Best Practices for Deployment of SQL Compliance Manager
So maybe you downloaded a trial of SQL Compliance Manager and want to play around with it. Or perhaps you already purchased licenses and want to deploy and setup the tool on your SQL Servers. Either way you can always use some help to really configure the product the...
AWS cost saving tip: Delete unused EBS volumes
Organizing EBS volumes and deleting detached volumes on a regular basis to can help decrease AWS spend. See how easy it is to identify, tag, snapshot, detach, and delete those unused EBS volumes. Identify It is important to identify if your EBS volumes are currently...
Solaris 10 Agent Issue
Hi, in troubleshooting an agent issue, I’m seeing the following: Â Â #su – nobody #telnet localhost 9998 Trying… Connected to localhost. Escape character is ‘^]’. uptimeagent: can’t open start directory: Permission...