Monitor Failed

Good evening, I have found an error in my uptime monitor (actually got an alert a bit ago) and the message that I see is as follows: Monitor failed: Not enough space. This was a message from the standard ping-check on one of my nodes. I *suspect* that I may need to...

Radar Scan Excludes

Thought I would re-raise a request from last year We would like to be able to exclude some file systems that are deliberately ran at 100% from the radar scan.I would like to be able to add this into Uptime rather than modifying individual scripts on the servers....

Making "Stay-on-top-forms" do want you want

Delphi supports this type of forms by providing the FormStyle property for the TForm class. All you have to do is to set this property to fsStayOnTop. So why did I write this article? Well, there are a few things to consider: Using fsStayOnTop causes flickering of the...

Working with cookies

Technical Information Database TI4523D.txt - Working with cookies Category :Internet/WEB Platform :All-32Bit Product :All32Bit, Description: The purpose of this document is not to explain what a cookie is or what it is used for. Instead this document assumes that you...