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Oracle user functions, ORA-06553 expression of of wrong type
Question and Answer Database FAQ: FAQ4561B - Oracle user functions, ORA-06553 expression of of wrong type Category: Database (Oracle) Platform: All-32Bit Product: All-CBuilder, C++Builder1.0, C++Builder3.x, C++Builder4.x, Delphi2.x, Delphi3.x, Delphi4.x, VdBase7.x,...
Working with cookies
Technical Information Database TI4523D.txt - Working with cookies Category :Internet/WEB Platform :All-32Bit Product :All32Bit, Description: The purpose of this document is not to explain what a cookie is or what it is used for. Instead this document assumes that you...
Oracle database link, cursor, ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error
Question and Answer Database FAQ: FAQ4507B - Oracle database link, cursor, ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error Category: Database (Oracle) Platform: All-32Bit Product: All-CBuilder, BC++5.x, C++Builder1.0, C++Builder3.x, C++Builder4.x, Delphi2.x,...
How do I create a stand-alone application in C++Builder.
Question: How do I create a stand-alone application, i.e. one that does not require external DLL or BPL files? Answer: There are two project options relevant to this problem. Making the following changes will cause Borland packages and the C++ runtime library...
How do I produce a .hpp file from a .pas file in C++Builder
Question and Answer Database FAQ4334C.txt :How do I produce a .hpp file from a .pas file in C++Builder Category :Command Line Tools Platform :Win95/NT Product :C++Builder1.0, C++Builder3.x, C++Builder4.x, Question: How do I produce a .hpp file from a .pas file in...
Unknown Internal Operating System Error
Question and Answer Database FAQ3749B.txt Unknown Internal Operating System Error Category :BDE Platform :Win95/NT Product : BC++5.x C++Builder1.0 C++Builder3.x Delphi2.x Delphi3.x Delphi4.x Question: Why am I getting an Unknown Internal Operating System Error when...
Custom InPlace Editor in StringGrid
Question and Answer Database FAQ2434D.txt Custom InPlace Editor in StringGrid Category :VCL Platform :All Product :Delphi 3.x Question: How can I popup my own inplace editor (such as a combobox) in a string grid cell? Answer: The following example demonstrates popping...
Writing a VCL component in C++ which defines its own events
Question and Answer Database FAQ2369C.txt Writing a VCL component in C++ which defines its own events Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 3.x Question: I have scoured the Borland BCB docs and the net and I really haven't found a good example of...
Setting a transparent background color for TImageList
Question and Answer Database FAQ2346D.txt Setting a transaprent background color for TImageList Category :Miscellaneous Platform :All Product :Delphi 3.x Question: How do I set the transparent color in an TImageList so the background color doesn't show? Answer:...
How to put a progress bar on a Status Bar …
Question and Answer Database FAQ2293C.txt How to put a progress bar on a Status Bar ... Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 3.x Question: How Do I put a Proress bar on a status bar. Answer: Here is an example: This is the form: object Form1: TForm1 Left =...
Detecting tab key press
Question and Answer Database FAQ2060D.txt Detecting tab key press Category :VCL Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: Since the KeyPress and the KeyDown events do not get called for the tab key, how do I trap the tab key at the form level? Answer: At form level,...
Does Delphi have an equivalent to the Visual Basic SendKeys function?
Question and Answer Database FAQ1500D.txt Does Delphi have an equivalent to the Visual Basic SendKeys function? Category :VCL Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: Does Delphi have an equivalent to the Visual Basic SendKeys function? Answer: The following...
Question and Answer Database FAQ1525D.txt Using WM_COPYDATA. Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How can I use the WM_COPYDATA message to pass information between 16-bit and 32-bit applications? Answer: The following example shows how to...
Preventing multiple application instances
Question and Answer Database FAQ1355D.txt Preventing multiple application instances Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How can I guarantee that only one instance of my program executes? Is it possible to restore the previous instance and...
Save and load metafiles in a BLOB field without using DBImage
Question and Answer Database FAQ878D.txt Save and load metafiles in a BLOB field without using DBImage Category :VCL Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How can I save and load metafiles in a BLOB field without using the DBImage component? Answer: The...
Displaying the selected row of a DBGrid in a different color
Question and Answer Database FAQ711D.txt Displaying the selected row of a DBGrid in a different color Category :Database/VCL Platform :All Product :Delphi 3.x Question: How can I show selected row in a dbgrid in a different color without using dgRowSelect (because I...
Changing the papersize of a print job.
Question and Answer Database FAQ603D.txt - Changing the papersize of a print job. Category :Printing Platform :All-32Bit Product : Question: How can I change the papersize of my print job? Answer: One way to change printer settings at the start of a print job is to...
Hiding your application from the Windows Taskbar.
Question: How do I hide my application from the Windows Taskbar? Answer: It is possible to have your application running without an icon appearing in the task bar. Here's how to do this: In Delphi go to the menu option Project -> View Source. Add the Windows...
Implementing TCollection
Technical Information Database TI1647D.txt - Implementing TCollection Category :ActiveX/OLE/COM/ActiveForm Platform :All-32Bit Product :All32Bit, Description: This document is intended for those needing to descend from a class that manages an array of lightweight...
Playing a WAV from a resource.
Question and Answer Database FAQ498C.txt Playing a WAV from a resource. Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :C++Builder 1.x Question: How do I play a sound from a resource? Answer: We haven't been able to get the SND_RESOURCE flag to work, however you...