Featured Blog
Announcing the General Availability of IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 7.0
The Benefits of a Unified Monitoring Platform
Modern IT environments are complex constructions that are composed of diverse systems and subsystems. They all work together to provide an...
How to tune query performance with execution plans
To execute queries, the database engine of SQL Server analyzes the statement to find the most efficient way to access the required data. The query...
Who uses SQL Admin Toolset and what is their experience?
Are you curious about who the customers of SQL Admin Toolset are in terms of the organization, industry, and country? Are you curious about what the...
Improved SQL Server Health with SQL Doctor
Many things can go wrong with your SQL Servers that degrade their performance and reduce user productivity. Tracking down the issues that are...
Announcing the General Availability of SQL Compliance Manager 5.7
We’re excited to announce the release of SQL Compliance Manager 5.7. SQL Compliance Manager is a comprehensive database auditing solution...
Creating PDF Reports in RAD Server
Creating PDF Reports in RAD Server Reporting is a critical aspect of any enterprise application, but the data and the programming components to...
TreeSize – Cool Apps Selection
Today’s CoolApps selection is TreeSize, from JAM Software. It is a powerful and flexible hard disk space manager. TreeSize has been around...
Tools für InterBase (Update: Database Workbench von Upscene)
Ich hatte hier ja schon drei Tools für InterBase vorgestellt. Ergänzen möchte ich das heute um das Tool "Database Workbench" von Upscene...
Focused Monitoring To Prevent Unexpected Database Problems
Database administrators are typically not amused by sudden changes to the performance of their databases. This is especially true when response time...
Schnell zum passenden User Interface
Die Benutzeroberfläche einer App ist entscheidend. Gefragt sind effiziente Wege zu einer modernen und ansprechenden Oberfläche. Prototypen und...
Introduction to Docker
This is an introduction to Docker for Delphi and RAD Studio developers to get you ready for working with the new Docker support for RAD Server...
C++Builder 10.3.3 Threading and TLS Patch
An issue with thread-local storage that could cause AVs on some Win64 machines has been resolved We've just released a patch for C++Builder...
Show Your #IDERALove on Twitter to win IDERA Swag!
Are you an IDERA superfan? Do you eagerly await news of the latest product updates and read every whitepaper and blog post? Is your collection of...
Structured vs. Unstructured Data
The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), e-commerce, the consumer Internet, social media, and big data have made an enormous amount of data...
ALLMediaServer – Cool Apps Selection
ALLMediaServer - Cool Apps Selection Today’s CoolApps selection is ALLMediaServer, from ALLPlayer Group, Ltd. It is a fantastic program...
What is Index Fragmentation and What Can You Do About It?
In the world of SQL Server administration, many issues can negatively impact database performance. They range from inappropriately provisioned...
Your MySQL Servers Are Being Targeted By Ransomware
There are many unscrupulous entities determined to compromise your systems with malware infections. In the early days of the IT industry, the goal...
SyncBack Pro – Cool Apps Selection
Today’s CoolApps selection is SyncBackPro, from 2BrightSparks. This utility is a remarkable tool that allows users to back up and synchronize...
Why You Need to Manage Your Database Changes
Change is a constant in the lives of database professionals. It can manifest itself in many forms. At one end of the spectrum, new systems may be...
Is Your Company Prepared for Cyberattacks?
It’s very easy for IT professionals to become insulated from world events as they strive to keep their company’s computer systems...
Wir laden ein zur DevTracks nach Salzburg am 13. Februar
Zusammen mit unseren Kunden zeigen wir Ihnen die neuesten Trends der Softwareentwicklung Wir kommen nach Österreich und besuchen Sie in...
Creating and connecting to MSSQL Database on Azure with Delphi / C++Builder
I have been asked multiple times recently about connecting to a Azure databases with Delphi and C++Builder. So….I decided to make a...
RAD Studio 10.3.3 iPhone XS and XR Debugging Patch
An issue debugging on iOS devices containing an A12 chip has been resolved We've just released a patch for Delphi and C++Builder 10.3.3 which...
FluidShell – A Primer – SQL Server Edition
Welcome to this first of three blog posts that would cover the basics of getting practical usage of Aqua Data Studio's FluidShell. Introduction:...
RAD Server Academy Course – lecture 7 extract – Returning JSON using JSONValue and JSONWriter.
I've uploaded an extract of me RAD Server Embarcadero Academy course Lecture 7 - Returning JSON using JSONValue and JSONWriter. This video...
Helping Management See the Story Hidden in the Data
In most companies of any size, important strategic decisions are made by upper-echelon management figures. These individuals are entrusted with...
Attributes for Documenting TEMSDataSetResource
I recently blogged about a number of RAD Server topics, including using TEMSDataSetResource, (the component that enables a TDataSet to be expose as...
Reg Organizer – Cool Apps Selection
Reg Organizer - Cool Apps Selection Today’s CoolApps selection is Reg Organizer, by ChemTable Software. As the name suggests, it is a...
The Compromise Between Database Performance and Security
The performance of a database has often been considered its most critical aspect. Satisfying the demands of users is one of the primary concerns of...
Learn Delphi on Exercism
One of our MVPs, Ryan Potts, is the originator and maintainer of the Delphi track on Exercism - a site dedicated making it easy for people to learn...