Which top metrics should you monitor for MySQL databases?

Which top metrics should you monitor for MySQL databases?

As tables increase in size and more and more users come online, it becomes necessary to finetune the database server from time to time. The secret to knowing what adjustments to make is to perform regular monitoring. Most databases offer dozens, if not hundreds,...

Identifying Hidden Value with Visual Data

Identifying Hidden Value with Visual Data

There is a staggering amount of data with which modern businesses are expected to cope to remain viable in their chosen market. It is estimated that the world’s population creates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily. A quintillion is a 1 followed by 18 zeros. It’s a...

Ensuring Database Security and Appropriate Permissions

Ensuring Database Security and Appropriate Permissions

Data security is a topic that should be uppermost in the minds of all IT professionals. Protecting an organization’s intellectual resources from unauthorized access or illicit use is a responsibility shared by everyone in the enterprise. A breakdown at any level...

Minimizing the Stress of Migrating MySQL to the Cloud

Minimizing the Stress of Migrating MySQL to the Cloud

One of the tasks that a database team needs to be prepared to perform is a MySQL migration. In the deep, dark past of the early 21st Century, this would have involved moving a MySQL database from one server to another one located within your company’s data...

RAD Studio 10.3.2 C++ Debugging Patch

A patch for debugging local variables with the classic and Clang compilers We've just released a patch (what used to be called a hotfix) for an issue affecting C++Builder 10.3.2. Debugging variables in apps built with the Classic bcc32 compiler could not be evaluated...

Unleashing the Power of the API for Automation

Unleashing the Power of the API for Automation

Database administrators and developers face increased workloads as businesses continue to expand the size and scope of data they collect and manage. As the data landscape grows, so does the complexity of the tasks your database team needs to perform to maintain their...

How to become a database administrator for MySQL

How to become a database administrator for MySQL

You are reading this because you think that becoming a database administrator may be the right career path for you. Database administrators are responsible for all facets of managing MySQL. Such responsibilities range from installation and patching to...

A Unified Platform for More Efficient SQL Job Management

A Unified Platform for More Efficient SQL Job Management

There are many challenges that DBAs face every day. They are expected to maintain the availability of the databases they support and work toward improving their performance. A company’s DBAs need to ensure that valid backups are being taken and that they can be...

DBArtisan Tips

DBArtisan Tips

Welcome to the DB PowerStudio Blog. This blog will cover all things about DB PowerStudio. DBArtisan is one part of the suite of tools known as DB PowerStudio. The September edition of DBArtisan tips and techniques covered three tips for using DBArtisan....

Why You Should Choose MySQL as Your Database Platform

Why You Should Choose MySQL as Your Database Platform

The tremendous amount of data that businesses need to assimilate is increasing daily. Information streams from the Internet of Things (IoT), web-based applications, and big data are putting additional strain on an organization’s ability to manage their data and...

GM Update

GM Update

I want to share some exciting developments and a few housekeeping items. Summer has been busy indeed! We’ve discussed for some time that we plan to upgrade the EDN infrastructure of Embarcadero. That project also involves retiring some old sites, such as Code...

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