Use better tools for SQL Server backup

Not knowing what tools are available There are several tools that come with SQL Server that can be used for backup processing, such as SQL Server Management Studio, T-SQL, System Tables, Windows Event Viewer, SQL Server Error Logs, Alerts, and Notifications. You...

Improve your management for SQL Server backup

Inconsistent backup plans While it is hard enough to manage SQL Server, you find that having inconsistent backup plans from server to server will make your life even harder. Instead, try to classify your databases into a few groups and then apply the same backup plan...

Improve your performance for SQL Server backups

Writing directly to tape A lot of third–party backup tools have agents that allow you to write directly to tape. This was great in the old days when disk space was expensive and limited. But this should not be the case anymore. You can write to disk first and then...

Improve your knowledge for SQL Server backups

Not understanding options Another big problem is people not being aware of the different options that are available using T-SQL commands and using SQL Server Management Studio. You should take the time to read SQL Server Books Online, so you understand all the options...

Tune SQL queries for SQL Server

Writing and tuning SQL code are two different things. There are many ways to write code so that it does the intended function. But there are also ways to make code more efficient. In most cases, we follow development techniques in repetition based on what the database...

View wait stats for SQL Server

There are several things that could cause performance issues for a query. You can identify these by breaking down the processing time for a query into various wait states, such as locks, input/output, and the central processing unit. This can give you an idea of what...

View query metrics for SQL Serve

There are many things that can cause slowdowns in SQL Server, such as resources like disk, memory, and network. But the one place where database administrators and developers have the most control and can make the biggest impact is tuning queries. SQL Diagnostic...

Analyze deadlocking for SQL Server

Deadlocking is a common problem that can occur in an SQL Server database. This is like blocking. But instead of being blocked forever, SQL Server chooses one session as the deadlock victim and rolls it back so the other process can continue. SQL Diagnostic Manager...

Analyze blocking for SQL Server

Blocking is a normal activity that occurs in SQL Server and it does that to control data integrity and make sure only one resource can change a set of data at one time. The problem with blocking is if SQL Server blocked a session for a long period, this can cause...

See the entire SQL Server environment

There are many advantages of using SQL Diagnostic Manager over building your own tools and one of these is the enterprise management view of all your SQL Servers in one place. We can see the entire environment fast and also see issues that need attention. With...

Benefits of SQL Diagnostic Manager for developers

Development is a big undertaking and most of the time it focuses on making sure all the features are in place and working. Once this is done, tuning for performance often occurs. But in order to make adjustments, developers need data to understand where the issue is...

Adopt a compliance and auditing mindset

It is easy and all too common to see the auditing team as adversaries. All the information they want takes time to gather. All the rules and procedures they want added just slow things down. And far too often, it feels like we are trying to pass the test rather than...

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