You may have accounts (inc. trust accounts) in AD that have a null value for msds-SupportedEncryptionTypes. They may have been working "by accident"...
- Free tools
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Determining Language Packs (Part 1)
Let’s assume you need to find the installed language packs for a Windows machine. In this three-part series, we use PowerShell’s features to tackle...
Running $PSScriptRoot in Selected Code
One of the big pitfalls in PowerShell code is the automatic variable $PSScriptRoot which always holds the path to the folder the current script is...
Pasting Multiple Lines in PowerShell
When you copy multiple lines of PowerShell code and paste them into a shell window, the result often is not what you expect. PowerShell starts...
Cleaning Up PowerShell Modules (Part 2)
In part 1 we looked at removing PowerShell modules that were originally installed via “Install-Module”. You can as well remove PowerShell modules...
Cleaning Up PowerShell Modules (Part 1)
There are plenty of scripts available that promise to read the original Windows 10 product key from the registry by converting a series of binary...
Quickly Finding Outdated PowerShell Modules
In the most simplistic case, you can check all your installed modules for updates with just a one-liner (remove -WhatIf to actually perform the...
Using Efficient Lists in PowerShell
By default, PowerShell uses simple “object arrays” when you define lists, when commands return more than one result, or when you otherwise need to...
Managing File Shares on Windows with PowerShell (Part 1)
Windows comes with a module called “SMBShare” which contains 42 cmdlets to manage network shares. This module works with Windows PowerShell and...
Out-GridView with Custom Columns
Out-GridView can be a universal dialog when you use the -OutputMode or -PassThru parameters. When you do, a grid view window displays additional...
Converting Ticks to DateTime
Occasionally, date and time information are stored as “Ticks” in the format of a so-called “FileTime”. Ticks are 100-nanosecond units since...
Unlock Additional PowerShell Modules in Windows 10
Windows 10 comes with a number of PowerShell modules that you can use to control Server functionality - like WSUS Update Management which is only...
Exporting CSV without Quotes (and Other Conversion Tricks)
PowerShell comes with a bunch of Export- and ConvertTo- cmdlets so you can serialize object data to CSV, JSON, XML, and other formats. That’s great...
Using BITS to Download Files (Part 1)
BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer System) is the technique used by Windows to download huge files such as operating system updates. You can use...
Repairing Install-Module (PowerShellGet)
With Install-Module, you can easily download and install additional PowerShell modules from the PowerShell Gallery (
Identifying Name of Local Administrator Account
Occasionally, PowerShell scripts need to access or use the built-in Administrator account or the built-in Administrators group. Unfortunately, their...
Reading Last Logged-On User and Other Registry Values
Reading some registry values with PowerShell is typically a snap: simply use Get-ItemProperty. This snippet of code reads the Windows operating...
Turn Windows Terminal into a Portable App
On Windows 10, there is a new and awesome tool available for any PowerShell user: Windows Terminal. It lets you use multiple PowerShell and other...
Converting File Paths to 8.3 (Part 1)
Many years ago, file and folder names had a maximum of 8 characters, and these short path names still exist. They can even still be useful: short...
Updating Help without Admin Privileges
In Windows PowerShell, updating help used to require Administrator privileges due to a design flaw: help had to be stored in the location where the...
Setting and Clearing Trusted Hosts
PowerShell remoting maintains a list of trusted IP addresses and/or machine names on the client side (the machine that issues the command and...
Using PowerShell 7 inside PowerShell ISE
The PowerShell ISE built into Windows works with Windows PowerShell only and is stuck at PowerShell version 5.1. Typically, when you want to use an...
Identifying Antivirus Engine State
In the previous tip you learned how you can query WMI to find out the antivirus product present on your Windows machine: $info = Get-CimInstance...
Speeding Up PowerShell Remoting
PowerShell remoting is insanely powerful: with Invoke-Command, you can send arbitrary PowerShell code to one or many remote machines and execute it...