
Getting significant bytes

If you need to split a decimal into bytes, you can use  a function called ConvertTo-HighLow, which uses a clever combination of type casts to...

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Splitting hex dumps

Imagine you have a text string with a hex dump so that each hex number consists of two characters. How would you split this into individual hex...

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Finding new processes

Get-Process will return a list of all processes. If you just want to see those started within the last 10 minutes, you can check StartTime. Both...

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Load registry user hive

If you need to manipulate registry data from another user, you may be out of luck because HKEY_CURRENT_USER always points to your own user data....

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Dump enumerations

You can create a simple helper function called Get-Enum  to list all the values in an enumeration: function Get-Enum($name){...

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Find Latest Processes

You should try this piece of code to find all processes that were started within the past 10 minutes: Get-Process | Where-Object { try {...

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Use Multiple Wildcards

Did you know that you can use multiple wildcards in paths? This will give you a lot of control. Check this out: This line will find all DLL-files in...

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Finding Software Updates

In Windows Vista/Server 2008, Microsoft introduced many new service and application specific log files. PowerShell can access those with...

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