
Type Accelerators

PowerShell has a few shortcuts for popular .NET types like [WMI], [ADSI] or [Int]. You should read the FullName property if you'd like to know...

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Comparing Versions

When you compare version strings, PowerShell will use alphanumeric algorithms, which may lead to confusing results: '' -gt...

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Converting Object Types

Once you know the name of an object type, you can use that type for conversion. The next line converts a string into a date-time type: [DateTime]...

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Validate Set of Inputs

If you need to limit a function parameter to only a set of allowed choices, you should use the next example: function Get-24hEventLogEntries...

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Remove Recents Folder

Windows uses the special recents folder to remember which files you have opened. You can have a look to check what Windows has stored: Dir...

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Displaying Hex Dumps

PowerShell can read plain text, but it can also read binary content. Here is a little function that creates a "hex dump" of any binary...

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Working with Path Names

The .NET System.IO.Path class has a number of very useful static methods that you can use to extract file extensions. Here is how you can get a list...

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