
Creating Your own Types

Did you know that you can compile any .NET source code on the fly and use this to create your own types? Here is an example illustrating how to...

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Calculating Server Uptime

Have you ever wanted to find out the effective uptime of your PC (or some servers)? The information can be found inside the event log. Here is an...

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Getting Installed Updates

PowerShell is great for parsing log files. Here is a function that extracts all installed Windows updates from an internal log file and returns the...

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Replace Text in Files

Often, some text will need to be replaced in a text file. That's easy with Get-Content and Set-Content - or not? Get-Content c:somefile.txt |...

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Adding Extra Information

Sometimes you may want to tag results returned by a cmdlet with some extra information, such as a reference to some PC name or a timestamp. You can...

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Making Objects Read/Write

Whenever you pipe objects through Select-Object, you actually get a copy of the original object. All properties are now readable and writeable, so...

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Creating Relative Dates

To create relative dates like "10 days ago," there are two paths. Administrators often add or remove time spans created by New-Timespan:...

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Create Remoting Solutions

Whenever you use WMI (Get-WMIObject) to retrieve information, it's a snap to turn a local solution into a remotable solution. You can just add...

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How Much RAM Do You Have?

Ever wondered what type of RAM your PC uses and if there is a bank available to add more? Ask WMI! This example also converts the cryptic type codes...

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Removing Empty Things

How do you exclude objects based on empty properties? For example, WMI returns all kinds of "network adapters:" Get-WMIObject...

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Filtering Day of Week

You can also use this little helper function if you run scripts every day and want to make sure they don't do anything on weekends: function...

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Finding Object Types

When you pipe the result of a command to Get-Member, it examines the returned objects and shows the properties and methods. Use this line if you...

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Built-in Methods

Strings contain all the methods you may need to access its content or manipulate it otherwise. Here is how you can list those methods: "Hello" |...

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