
Finding Invalid Aliases

When you create new Aliases with Set-Alias, PowerShell does not check whether the target you specify is valid. Instead, this is checked only when...

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IPv4 Address Lists

You should try this to get all IPv4 addresses assigned to your system: Get-WMIObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.IPEnabled...

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Generate PC Lists

One easy way of creating lists of PC names or IP address ranges etc is a simple pipeline like this: 1..40 | Foreach-Object {...

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Create HTA Files

Another way is to ConvertTo-HTML is a convenient way of converting object results in HTML. However when you open these files, your browser starts...

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WMI Server Side Filtering

Whenever you use Get-WMIObject, be sure to minimize resources and maximize speed by using server-side filtering. The next line will use the slow...

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List Installed Updates

Using Get-Hotfix is pretty convenient as it serves to list installed updates. Unfortunately, it is not very thorough as it doesn’t retrieve...

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Reading Default Values

Each registry key has a default value. It is called (default) when you look into regedit. To read this default value, you can just use this name...

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List Installed Software

Get-ItemProperty reads registry values. You can create a software inventory in just one line since it supports wildcards: Get-ItemProperty...

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Read Registry Values

You will find that reading Registry values is not always easy because the Registry is accessible only via the generic "drive" paradigm....

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Open Explorer

While the PowerShell console is great, it is sometimes just easier to switch to Windows Explorer. Here is the fastest way to open Explorer and show...

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Discovering Impact Level

In a previous tip, you learned how to use $ConfirmPreference to get a warning before a cmdlet actually changes your system. This was based on the...

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