HTML can be a simple way of formatting data for output reports. In this second part we illustrate how you convert properties that contain arrays to...
- Free tools
- SQL Admin Toolset
- SQL Compliance Manager
- SQL Defrag Manager
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL
- SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server
- SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
- SQL Doctor
- SQL Enterprise Job Manager
- SQL Inventory Manager
- SQL Query Tuner for SQL Server
- SQL Safe Backup
- SQL Secure
- SQL Workload Analysis for SQL Server
- Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Formerly Uptime
Using HTML to create PDF Reports (Part 1)
HTML can be a simple way of formatting data for output reports. In this 3-part series, we first illustrate how you compose HTML reports, then show a...
Beware of -match
The -match operator is frequently used in scripts however not everyone seems to understand how it really works. It can be a really dangerous filter...
Avoid Add-Member (Part 3)
In the previous tip we looked at a number of clever alternatives to avoid Add-Member when creating your own new objects. While using hash tables to...
Avoid Add-Member (Part 2)
In the previous tip we looked at creating simple data objects, and it became evident that instead of using Add-Member, you can cast a hash table to...
Avoid Add-Member (Part 1)
Often the cmdlet Add-Member is used to create simple objects like this: $user = New-Object -TypeName psobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty...
Important Keyboard Shortcuts
Two of the most important keyboard shortcuts in any PowerShell environment – whether console, ISE, or VSCode – are TAB and CTRL+SPACE. TAB triggers...
Reading Recently Installed Software (Improvement #1)
In the previous tip we used Get-WinEvent to read the Windows event log system and get a list of recently installed software, similar to this:...
Logging Variable Types
As part of your debugging and quality control you may want to log the data that gets assigned to individual variables. For example, you may want to...
Converting Language IDs in Language Names
In our previous mini series we showed different approaches to get to the names of installed OS languages using different PowerShell methods. The...
Determining Language Packs (Part 3)
In part 2 of this series, you already witnessed how much easier and faster it was to query the list of installed operating system languages using...
Determining Language Packs (Part 1)
Let’s assume you need to find the installed language packs for a Windows machine. In this three-part series, we use PowerShell’s features to tackle...
Creating World Map Graphs
If you have data related to countries, you may want to visualize and highlight this geographic data. Classic bar- and chart-graphs won’t always work...
Running $PSScriptRoot in Selected Code
One of the big pitfalls in PowerShell code is the automatic variable $PSScriptRoot which always holds the path to the folder the current script is...
Pasting Multiple Lines in PowerShell
When you copy multiple lines of PowerShell code and paste them into a shell window, the result often is not what you expect. PowerShell starts...
Downloading Files
Simple file downloads can be done in a variety of ways, i.e., using Invoke-RestMethod, Invoke-WebRequest, or via the BitsTransfer module. If you...
Recovering Wasted Hard Drive Space
When software receives updates, it often does not clean up previous updates that are no longer required. These deprecated “patch files” accumulate...
Cleaning Up PowerShell Modules (Part 3)
In part 1 and 2 we looked at removing PowerShell modules altogether. In this last part we’ll look at PowerShell module versions you may no longer...
Cleaning Up PowerShell Modules (Part 2)
In part 1 we looked at removing PowerShell modules that were originally installed via “Install-Module”. You can as well remove PowerShell modules...
Cleaning Up PowerShell Modules (Part 1)
There are plenty of scripts available that promise to read the original Windows 10 product key from the registry by converting a series of binary...
Quickly Finding Outdated PowerShell Modules
In the most simplistic case, you can check all your installed modules for updates with just a one-liner (remove -WhatIf to actually perform the...
Unblocking Multiple Files
When you download files from the internet, or when you copy files from untrusted sources to an NTFS-formatted drive, Windows adds a secret NTFS...
Major Update for PowerShell Extensions
If you have tried VS Code in the past but were disappointed because of speed and stability, you may want to have a second look now. On May 3, Sydney...
Identifying Multi-Language Online Documents (Part 1)
In the previous tip we pointed you to the official PowerShell Language Definition which is available online in many different languages. Which...