
Determining Person Age

How do you calculate the age of a person, based on birthday? You can subtract the current time delivered by Get-Date from the birthday, but the...

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Hiding Progress Bars

Some cmdlets and scripts use progress bars to indicate progress. As you learned in the previous tip, progress bars cause delays, so if you...

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Bulk Renaming Photos

Here is a quick and fast way to bulk-rename files like photos, or other files. Have a look: #requires -Version 1.0 $Path = "$home\Pictures" $Filter...

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Managing Local Users

PowerShell 5.1 finally ships with cmdlets to manage local user accounts. To get a list of local user accounts, use Get-LocalUser and pipe the result...

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Getting AD User Attributes

By default, Get-ADUser (provided by ActiveDirectory module which is part of the free Microsoft RSAT tools) retrieves only a few default properties....

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Parsing Raw Text (Part 3)

In the previous tip we illustrated how you can use Select-String to find lines in raw text containing a specific word. It took some effort to...

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