
Eliminating Empty Results

To exclude results that have empty properties, you can easily use Where-Object. For example, when you run Get-Hotfix, and you only want to see...

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Finding Logged-On User

There is a helpful console application called quser.exe which will tell you who is logged on to a machine. The executable returns plain text, but...

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Finding Logon Failures

Whenever someone logs on with invalid credentials, there will be a log entry in the security log. Here is a function that can read these events from...

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Change Desktop Wallpaper

To change the current desktop wallpaper and make this change effective immediately, PowerShell can tap into the windows API calls. Here is a...

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Getting System Information

PowerShell plays friendly with existing console applications. One of the most useful is systeminfo.exe which gathers all kinds of useful system...

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Starting Services Remotely

Since Start-Service has no -ComputerName parameter, you cannot use it easily to remotely start a service. While you could run Start-Service within a...

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