
Installing Local Printer

WMI represents all locally installed printers with its class Win32_Printer, so you can easily look what's installed: PS> Get-WmiObject -Class...

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Discovering Network Access

PowerShell can access low-level COM interfaces to find out system information such as network access. This code returns a list of all active network...

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Using MemberSets

In a previous tip you learned how PropertySets can create groups of properties for easier access. Yet another (hidden) feature of PowerShell objects...

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Using PropertySets

PropertySets are lists of properties, and PowerShell sometimes adds PropertySets to result objects to make picking the right information easier....

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Checking System Uptime

In a previous tip we explained how you read date and time information from WMI and convert it into a regular date and time information. With this...

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Why Using Here-Strings?

To create multi-line text in a script, you can simply enter the multi-line text into your script using quotes: $text = 'First Line Second Line...

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Testing Numbers and Date

With a bit of creativity (and the help from the -as operator), you can create powerful test functions. These two test for valid numbers and valid...

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