
Changing Units

When you list folder contents, file sizes are in bytes. If you'd rather like to view them in MB or GB, you can use calculated properties, but by...

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Closing Excel Gracefully

When you access Microsoft Excel from script, you may have noticed that it never gets removed from memory again, even if you call its Quit() method:...

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Formatting Currencies

Formatting numbers as currencies is straight-forward - as long as it is your own currency format: '{0:C}' -f 12.22 If you want to output...

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Creating PowerShell Menus

PowerShell is console based, so its default menus are console based as well. To offer choices to your users, here is some sample code to create a...

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Bypassing Execution Policy

When execution policy prevents execution of PowerShell scripts, you can still execute them. There is a secret parameter called "-" . When you use...

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Re-Encoding ISE-Scripts

When you save scripts with the PowerShell ISE script editor, they are saved with the rather unusual "Big Endian Unicode" encoding....

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