
Use RegEx to Extract Text

With Regular Expressions, you can easily extract matching text. Have a look: $text = 'The problem was discussed in KB552356. Mail feedback to...

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Launching Applications

When you launch *.exe-applications with arguments, you may get exceptions because PowerShell may misinterpret the arguments. A better way to do this...

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Appending CSV Data

To append a CSV file with new data, first of all make sure the type of data you append is the same type of data already in a file (or else column...

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Create CSV without Header

ConvertTo-CSV can create comma separated values (CSV) on the fly but it always adds a new header. To create CSV data without columns, take a look at...

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Eliminating Empty Text

If you wanted to exclude results with empty (text) columns, you can filter based on $null values. This will get you all processes with a valid...

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Adding Personal Drives

In a previous tip we showed you how you can add new drives to easily access your desktop, your cookies or media like music and video. However, when...

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Enumerating Network Cards

In a previous tip you learned how to use a shortcut to quickly open the dialog with your network adapters. Today, you get a piece of code to access...

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Find Local Group Members

If you'd like to list all members of local groups, encapsulate net.exe and make it a PowerShell function: function Get-LocalGroupMember{ param(...

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Find Local Groups

On Windows 7, net.exe can list all local groups. To use this information with PowerShell, try this simple wrapper: function Get-LocalGroup { net...

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Find Local Users

On Windows 7, the easiest way to find local user accounts is to use net.exe. Here is a simple PowerShell wrapper called Get-LocalUser: function...

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Monitor Open Files

In a previous tip we introduced the command openfiles which lists and disconnects files that were opened remotely on your machine. Openfiles can...

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Finding Open Files

If you'd like to see which files are opened by network users on your machine, there is an internal command for it. All you need are local admin...

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