PowerShell cmdlets return objects with rich information, and to see all the information, you can pipe the result to Format-List *:
Dir $env:windir | Format-List *
You can easily append more properties if the information returned is not sufficient. For example, open Notepad and enter this to add a property called "Age" that returns the age in days for a file:
(new-timespan $this.LastWriteTime).Days
(new-timespan $this.LastWriteTime).Days
Save it as fileage.ps1xml. Next, update PowerShell using this command:
Update-TypeData c:\…\fileage.ps1xml
Once done, you can show the Age column and even use it to retrieve old or brand new files whenever you list files:
dir $env:windir | Format-Table Name, Age
The next line selects recursively all log files in your Windows folder, which have been modified within the last 30 days:
dir $env:windir –filter *.log -rec |
Where-Object { $_.Age -lt 30 } |
Format-Table FullName, Age
Where-Object { $_.Age -lt 30 } |
Format-Table FullName, Age