Adding Numbers to a String (Part 2)

by Apr 15, 2019

In the previous tip we illustrated a number of ways how to safely add variables to string content. Adding variables to double-quoted text can expose yet another issue with automatic variable detection. Have a look:

# this is the desired output:
# PowerShell Version is 5.1.17763.316

"PowerShell Version is $PSVersionTable.PSVersion"

When you run this code, the output is not what most people would expect. The colorization already hints what it wrong: double-quoted strings expand variables only. They do not care about anything that follows. So since $PSVersionTable is a hash table object, PowerShell outputs the object type name, then adds “.PSVersion” to it:

PS> "PowerShell Version is $PSVersionTable.PSVersion"
PowerShell Version is System.Collections.Hashtable.PSVersion  

Here are four popular alternatives that work:

# use a subexpression
"PowerShell Version is $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)"

# use the format (-f) operator
'PowerShell Version is {0}' -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

# concatenate (provided the first element is a string)
'PowerShell Version is ' + $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

# use simple variables
$PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
"PowerShell Version is $PSVersion" – PowerShell Conference EU 2019 – June 4-7, Hannover Germany – visit There aren’t too many trainings around for experienced PowerShell scripters where you really still learn something new. But there’s one place you don’t want to miss: PowerShell Conference EU – with 40 renown international speakers including PowerShell team members and MVPs, plus 350 professional and creative PowerShell scripters. Registration is open at, and the full 3-track 4-days agenda becomes available soon. Once a year it’s just a smart move to come together, update know-how, learn about security and mitigations, and bring home fresh ideas and authoritative guidance. We’d sure love to see and hear from you!

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