Adding PowerShell Goodies to Server 2008 R2

by Feb 23, 2012

Windows Server 2008 R2 comes with a PowerShell module called ServerManager which in turn allows you to add additional features to the server.

Here’s a list of features you might want to install to get the maximum PowerShell experience:

First, load the ServerManager cmdlets. You should do this with full Administrator privileges:

Import-Module ServerManager

Next, add the PowerShell ISE editor (which brings the Out-GridView cmdlet along):

Add-WindowsFeature PowerShell-ISE

Then, add the ActiveDirectory module that provides you with many new Active Directory cmdlets:

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell

And finally, you might want to add the GPMC feature which installs a GroupPolicy PowerShell module:

Add-WindowsFeature GPMC

To view all the new cmdlets, first load the two new modules:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory, GroupPolicy

Then, create a list of all the new cmdlets:

Get-Command -Module ActiveDirectory, GroupPolicy

When you’re logged on to a domain, you will also get a new AD provider and the new AD: PowerShell drive:

Dir AD:

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