At there was recently a challenge for the shortest code to check for how often a password was previously pwnd (hacked). Here is the result (credits to Daniel Rothgänger):
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol='Tls12' 'P@ssw0rd'|sc p -N$a,$b=(FileHash p -A SHA1|% h*)-split'(?<=^.{5})'((irm$a)-split"$b`:(\d+)")[1]
You can either use this chunk of code as brain jogging to find out what it does, or simply use it: it takes a password (i.e. “P@ssw0rd” in our example) and returns a number. The number is how often this particular password has been seen in previous attacks. Any password that has been seen is considered insecure. Only passwords that do not return a number are safe.